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In The Morning

Poppy got up Quickly With excitement

Poppy yelled At her Window

Branch got up, Tired
"Ugh, Another Glorious morning

Poppy Threw a Pillow at him

"OW Hey!"
Branch yelled

"I'm still mad at you 😑"
Poppy Glared at him

"Okay, Okay look, I'm Sorry for what I did Last Night, I shouldn't have said That..."
Branch Apologized

"So....Your Sorry..."
Poppy asked with Crossed arms, Leaning On the wall

Branch Nodded slowly with Guilt

"Awww Branch....I'm Sorry too, But I really have to pack my bags..."
Poppy said

"Oh okay Hehe- Wait what?"
Branch quickly Shook his head around

"Yeah...I'm going to Trolliami with the Trollipops!"
Poppy Quickly Ripped off her Pajamas revealing her Normal Dress

"Oh heck no Popps!"
Branch Got Off Bed

"WHAT! Why not?"
Poppy Pouted

"Cause You've had enough Adventures Miss!"
Branch Saud

Poppy raised an eyebrow

"You Can't go because you have a lot of Stuff to do here! Like Being Queen Of Pop! Helping Trollstopia stay in Shape! And Besides, Satin And Chenille Aren't even here! They're on Vacation!"
Branch Gestured

Poppy was about to Speak
"Well- Uhhhh.......Hmmmm"

She Began rubbing her chin
"Your right.....I can't go with only Five members if I wanna compete against all of them.."

Branch Crossed his arms with A Grin
"See? Excactly why You Can't-

"I KNOW! 💡"
Poppy Said snapping her Fingers

"AAAAAAnnnnndddd of course you do..."
Branch Slowly Frowned again

"I'm gonna Look for More Members to join me!"
Poppy said

"Pff! Yeah right, Like you can Ask Random trolls to easily get in your Band!"
Branch Scoffed

"Your Right about that Branch, But...I won't Ask RANDOM trolls to join Me, I Know Excactly Who I can ask easily Without a Challenge!"
Poppy smirked

"How is it that Your So good with making Out reasons with me?"
Branch asked With Sass

"Oh it's Nothing, It's just you being Dumb!"
Poppy Petted Branch's head innocently


Poppy Held Branch's hand as she Pulled him outside

A Few Minutes later

Poppy and Branch Were walking around, Looking for the Trolls that Poppy Mentioned

"Okay So, Who are these trolls that your gonna ask to come with you?"
Branch asked

"Oh nothing, Just a Few Somebodies that we met a few Episodes ago.."
Poppy Looked at her Fingers

Branch Shook his head around
"A Few Episodes? Who are-

"I'll show you, E -Ehem......................................ACA-OPERATION TROLLIAMI IS A GO GIRLS!"
Poppy Yelled

Branch Tilted his head

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