Chapter 2 - Revue of Freetime pt. 1

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Ok so little author's note, I'm sorry if it gets boring this is really just a bonding chap before the main events

Kanade's POV

After Souda-sensei had left the classroom I start packing up my stuff. "Hey Kuro-Senpai I forgot to mention call me Kanade with or without honorifics since I know Tsuruhime can be a mouth-full" I said as I was putting my notebook in my bag "Ok then Kanade" Kuro-senpai says as she crossed her arms while waiting for me. "Hey Kuro-senpai what would you like to do?" I asked "I don't really know what to do as well" Kuro-senpai says awkwardly, suddenly I remembered something my sister gave me the other day "Actually..." I said while rummaging through my bag 'Aha there it is!' I then pull out an alarming amount of tickets "Yachiyo actually gave me a bunch of tickets to their performance of Beauty and the Beast" I said "Well that's pretty convenient, but also that's quite an alarming of tickets..." Kuro-senpai says "Apparently they made extra tickets by accident and she decided to give the left over ones to me" I said "How do you accidentally make extra tickets?" Kuro-senpai asks while laughing slightly and I shrugged at her laughing along with her, after our a little fit of laughter I called out to my three best friends and their assigned seniors.

"What's up?" Fic asked "Hey how about we all go to a play later at Seigfeld?" I asked "That sounds like a good idea" Guards says "Sure why not" Classy says, I smile at them then I look towards Kuro-senpai who looked like she was having a stare down with Tendo-senpai... Wow that's a lot of sexual tension— then Tendo-senpai looks away and stares at one of the tickets I was holding. "Hmm... The time on the ticket says 2 pm... We still have quite the large amount time before then" Tendo-senpai says "Hmph! I was just about to say that!" Kuro-senpai retorts as Tendo-senpai triumphantly look at her, Me and literally everybody who wasn't Tendo and Kuro senpai just sweat-dropped probably thinking the same thing 'Please get a room' "So um— what should we do until then?" Fic says most likely trying to change the subject "Well I think its a good idea to split up and get to know our seniors better before the play I guess—" I said "Bananice idea Tsuruhime-chan" Daiba-senpai says "Ah- Thank you Daiba-senpai" what in the world is Bananice— I guess I'll ask later "If thats so then I- I mean we should get going" Hanayagi-senpai says while walking towards Isurugi-senpai "Wait! Hanayagi-senpai!" Guards says trying to catch up, Hanayagi-senpai really looks like she isn't fond of people... Darn- good luck Guards I hope you won't have that much of a hard time—

"Earth to Kanade are you still there?"
"Huh? Oh Fic— I thought you were with Tendo-senpai" I said as Fic pointed towards the direction of a bickering Kuro-senpai and a smug Tendo-senpai. "As you can see their sexual tension is kinda making that hard aha" Fic said laughing a bit.

"Ya know?.." I look at her "Hm?"
"Saijo-senpai reminds me of a certain person" Fic says looking at me with a smug smile "Oh come on I'm not that tsundere" I say in retaliation "Are you sure about that?" Fic says while laughing "Hmph!" I turn around trying to hide my blush from Fic, Smh if this keeps continuing I'm going to end up truly a bottom "Hey so are you four done flirting with your partners?" Classy asks "What?!" Kuro-senpai shouts blushing almost as red as my hair, thats very concerning actually— "Aha Classy-kun is just kidding Kuro-chan calm down" Daiba-senpai says "Anyhow Classy-kun and I are gonna do some baking do you guys have any plans?" Daiba-senpai asks and all four of us respond with a nod of disagreement "Oh if thats so... I know we said we're splitting up but if you guys cant think of anything to do feel free to join us!" Daiba-senpai then gives a welcoming smile after her remark

"Thanks Nana"
"Yes, on behalf of me and Watanabe-san thank you Daiba-san"
Surprising Kuro-senpai answered first- I should stop "Your welcome! Well we should going bye you four!" Daiba-senpai then waves and proceeds to exit the classroom, Classy as well waves and follows behind, wait a minute... I just noticed is Classy shorter than Daiba-senpai. I then squint my eyes to fact check whether I'm right and... LMAO HE IS BY A COUPLE INCHES AHAHAHAHA "What's so funny?" Fic asks "Oh- uhm—" crap was I laughing out loud— "It's nothing I just remembered something funny" I said, stupid idiot why'd you laugh out loud "Ok then" Fic says "Ahem... Well if you two do not mind being alone me and Watanabe-san should get going, I had just thought of a few things we may be able to do in out spare time" Tendo-senpai says "Watanabe-san if you may accompany me?" Tendo-san says gesturing at the door, Fic nods and they both exit the room leaving me and Kuro-senpai with nothing to do...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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