Moving Away

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Richie's POV

Soon enough everyone was moving away from Derry, out of our friendgroup the first one to move was surprisingly Stan.

We didn't get a proper goodbye, the only thing we got was a letter each and a present.

He also left a wreath of beautiful roses on Myrtles grave along with a letter for her. Obviously she would likely never get to read it, but I think he hoped her ghost maybe could.

I think the moving was to emotional for him and that's why he never said goodbye but at this point anything is quite literally possible, I mean a clown taking children and then eating them and making them abnormally float isn't something you see everyday...

Then next to go was Mike, because everyone fled, his family business wasn't doing good, it was loosing money rapidly. One day he gathered us and told us he was leaving. We stood and watched him go away into the distance with the last of his things as the sun was going down, he became nothing but a small speck in the orange lit sky.


"Who's next..." said Ben quite unexpectedly.

"I hate it break it to you guys... but I think it will be me, my mum is getting really frustrated and worried with me, so she's taking us out of town soon..." Eddie spoke carefully making sure to place the words without being emotional.

I have to say, I wasn't at all surprised.
I'm surprised she let him stay this long.
But somewhere deep inside me I felt my stomach turn.
My best friend out of the whole group is leaving...Eddie...

I have no idea what possessed me in that moment but I decided to go hug him.

Everyone around me watched, they all started huddling. Well what was left of us that is.

I remembered I had to go see Greta for what we presumed might be our... last date. So I said goodbye to the rest of the losers before walking off to Greta's house.


I quite hesitantly knocked on the door of Greta's house, I felt nervous, I never feel nervous but this time just felt different.

Greta opened the door almost 10 seconds after I knocked.

"Hello, Rich." said Greta making the last 'ch' sound like a train.

"Hello, Greta." I said in almost a whisper because I soon found myself leaning in and our noses were just touching eachother.

Greta was still home alone, her father wasn't going to return home till later tonight.

We kissed in the doorway, eventually after a 1 minute staring contest.

We kissed passionately, I decided to deepen the kiss by adding my tongue to the mix, for a start she paused and then got my message. Without taking our lips off eachother, she steered us into the house. She closed the door with her foot.

Once we were into the house, she steered me towards the sofa. She pushed me onto it and sat herself on top of me, continuing to kiss passionately.

We deeped the kiss and I decided to put my hand up her t-shirt. My hands rested nicely on her back.

The kissing went on for at least another 20 minutes before we pulled appart gasping for air.

That's when I knew I loved Greta Keene.

Greta looked into my eyes looking for something. She just sat there on top of me staring into my eyes.

As she was focused directly onto my eyes I took my hand and moved her hair out of her face.

She blushed, she tried to hide it but she failed.

I then took my hand and put my thumb and pointing finger on her chin guiding her face towards me.

"I love you, you know that?" I said confidently. I stared into her eyes and it looked as if she heard the happiest news for her life.

"I know..." she whispered her voice trailing off "... I love you too."

And with that she gave me a hug and we stayed in that hugging position and fell asleep. Her head on my chest and her legs on either side of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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