A Little Bit About The Pink Lady

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"Hey hun you aren't doing so well please work with us," she addressed to Amy as she gestured to the class,"it's okay hun we all get things wrong I found dancing as a rat difficult."

Some people snickered as the teacher put her hand to her heart and told her most recent story of her training. Madam La Vie en Rose - it isn't her real name it's her stage name she says it means life in pink. Are teacher is never meetly the complete opposite, at the weird times and  the sad times. She's an optimist, an extrovert which is good at most times but we are kids we want someone to fill the same way as us, give us some empathy. Like in one incident she kept smiling as Gary cried she just smiled and hugged him. Yes it helps though she should have lead him outside in the corridor had a conversation then hug him in my opinion.

"All right huns come to my I have a treat I know you'll love," she smiled we all get handed a nutty chocolate ball,"these are croquant chocolate comfits there chocolate covered nutty delicacies with a truffley bit in the middle it's so scrumptious well bye huns skedaddle off to your homes

I taste one they're delectable they melt in your mouth though she payed a lot of money for them. Blank market or France?

"Hey hun why the long face?" Madam La Vie En Rose asked.

I shrugged as an answer surprisingly she took it.

"Aaron don't be a spoony come join the party," she said as he left with a girl.

"Spoony?" I questioned.

"Oh it means love fool don't worry about it hun," she said.

I thought it was a bit strange but I didn't question it I just let the woman be. She is full to the brim of blithesome and credence. I'm impressed by her optimism she loves France. France wasn't her first home it was Spain. There she learnt the language she stayed in that region of heat for 4 years she doesn't remember much about her time there it's a running joke that she remembers the language more than the place. Her second home was in Italy there she learnt various skills writing, singing and guitar. She stayed there for 3 years before moving, yet again, to France this is were she learnt ballet this love for this dance continued. As she developed her skill it was time to pack her bags up and leave only spending a year there in Le Havre. However, she stuck to this passion whilst in Russia. Being apart of copious performances. Eventually she moved to Greece after 3 years there she continued the dance practicesing each day keeping on top of it trying not to be rusty and building the skills she'd learnt. Then she arrived in Belgium there she indulge in cookery. Now thirteen she came to Germany. Then Finland which was a years stay. She then stayed at the Netherlands after a years she came to England in 1936 April 16th. She was due to move to Hungary 3 years ago but that time never came. She had a deal to stay in London for three years and go to the royal ballet school which she did, before moving up to the country side. The reason she moved so frequently is from her mum being a nurse that travelled wherever needed. She has decided to stay here for the meanwhile but Madam La Vie En Rose plans on moving to France in the near future. I don't think I'd miss her I don't think many people would.

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