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I softly ran my thumb over the bruised skin on my wrist, staring absentmindedly at Seonghwa's figure leaning against his motorcycle just as he had done yesterday from my hiding spot as Chan's words from yesterday echoed in my mind.

"The right-hand man to the leader of Empire," I whispered to myself, feeling my heartbeat pick up as I glanced over my shoulder before turning back to stare at the blond, a shaky breath leaving my lips as I finally mustered up the courage to head over to him, my eyes staying on my bag on the back of the vehicle instead of his face.

"Princess," Seonghwa said as soon as he recognized me, offering me a bright smile that made my heart ache as I closed the door behind me and headed onto the street where he had parked.

"I've been waiting on you for a while," he mumbled, furrowing his brows as he looked up at my apartment complex, before finding my eyes and grabbing my bag from the back of his motorcycle, offering it to me, "You forgot it in the auditorium yesterday and when you didn't show up I just brought it home with me but," he trailed off, "I was worried. What happened with-?"

"I don't really want to talk about it," I said, reaching for the bag as his eyes suddenly drifted to my bruised wrist, widening, and reaching out to touch it, the action making me flinch and pull back with a gasp.

"Nari, what happened-?" "Don't touch me," I breathed, my heart hammering against my ribs as I clutched my bag, clenching my other fist at my side as I turned to leave.

"Nari-" Seonghwa tried, hurrying after me and putting his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to stop me and whirling himself around to stand in front of me. "What's wrong, princess?" he whispered, hurt in his dark eyes, "Did I do something-?"

"What's wrong?" I fumed, pushing his hand off me as I felt tears threatening to spill and a wave of anger well up inside of me, "What's wrong is that you lied to me, Seonghwa. You lied to me for weeks and not only that but the fact that you kept something so crucial, so dangerous, from me-" I choked, "To think that you would even get close to me in the first place-"

I angrily wiped the back of my hand over my face in an attempt to keep the tears at bay as his eyes widened at my words. "Wait, Nari-" he breathed, raising his hands, "Calm down-" "No!" I exclaimed, taking a step away from him. "Please, what do you mean? I don't understand-"

"How could I be so stupid?" I whispered, looking him up and down, "Everything makes so much sense now.. The secrets, how often you would disappear, the wound-" I took another step back, clutching my bag to my chest as shaky breaths rattled through my chest.

"What kind of person takes in someone who got stabbed in an alleyway?" I breathed, "What kind of person is so naive that they don't get suspicious when said person shows up roughed up at their house, buys them things over and over again- And the others, my god," I sniffled, "The motorcycles, the clothes-" I gestured to him, "How could I be so blind?"

"Princess," Seonghwa whispered, "Please, just-"

"Empire," I whimpered, staring up at the blond as he froze the very moment the word left my lips, "Really, Seonghwa? Empire?"

Seonghwa lowered his arms slowly, hesitating for a moment, "Who told you?" he asked, a flicker of regret and then anger flashing across his dark eyes as if the pieces had finally fallen into place, "Was it Chan? Please, just tell me what he said and I'll explain-"

"How do you-?" I began but this time it was Seonghwa who interrupted me, clenching his fists at his sides as a shaky sigh left his lip.

"I'm wasn't planning on stooping that low but since he apparently already chose where to stand on this, I'm not going to say anything else than the fact that I know you're a smart girl, Nari. I know that you have already figured that out by yourself."

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