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I had barely made it down the stairs the following morning when I sensed that something was wrong, immediately on alert as I tiptoed down the hallway, hearing voices, panicked and angry, as I rounded a corner and neared the kitchen.

"... the actual hell were you thinking? Drinking? Drinking? Mingi, she came home in the middle of the night, smelling like you, like you, so I suggest that you choose your next words wisely when you tell me exactly what happened last night, down to every last detail, mind you, if you don't want my fist in your face."

I poked my head through the door the moment I recognized Seonghwa's voice, rubbing my eyes only for them to widen as they fluttered back open and locked onto the blond as he stood by the kitchen island, clutching a handful of Mingi's shirt as he sneered at the younger man.

It made him look small, I realized, carefully making my way towards them and straightening myself a little, knowing that this was about me, watching him shrink underneath the other's glare despite being taller than him.

"I said talk," Seonghwa growled, pulling him closer as he yanked at his shirt, and Mingi was about to, opening his mouth only to gasp as his eyes flickered to me, hope glittering in their dark depths as he looked past San who was simply sitting by the table, unfazed by the confrontation as he enjoyed his breakfast.

"Nari-" he said, the sound of my name sounding more like a plead as it left his lips, "Nari, save me. Save me, please," he breathed, his voice laced with a kind of despair that was almost comical as he struggled to get out of Seonghwa's hold.

But I had already gotten involved once before when Wooyoung had been the one in trouble, remembering how the second-in-command had looked as he towered over the man, nothing but power and strength and authority as he had lectured the younger.

Instead, I simply shrugged as I bit back the laughter threatening to surface at the sight of the clearly desperate blond, watching the look in his eyes chance as I grabbed the chair next to San, about to sit down when he suddenly blurted, "I'll tell-"

But Mingi's words faltered as I sent him a glare and immediately reached for the hem of my shirt, grabbing it and reminding him of my own threat, of the lie I would spill if he decided to out me. He immediately shut his mouth.

I sighed, sitting down and accepting the plate of eggs and bacon that the hitman pushed over with a small smile and mouthed a silent "Thank you," before sighing and glancing over at the second-in-command who still had his eyes trained on the treasurer.

"Seonghwa?" I hummed, not missing the way he immediately loosened his grip on Mingi's shirt and turned to me, "Do you want to eat with me?" I mumbled through a mouthful of egg

I felt my cheeks heat up with mixed embarrassment and affection as he barely hesitated for a second before leaving Mingi by the kitchen island and hurrying over to me like a lovesick puppy.

San chuckled at the sight, the sound immediately drowned out by a cough as he choked on his food after Seonghwa turned to glare at him, mumbling something under his breath before continuing his breakfast.

"Mingi is busy today," the blond stated, not even looking at the man as he began to protest, making a move in our direction before giving it a second thought. "What?" Mingi blurted "I'm not-" he tried, but Seonghwa cut him off before he got the chance to finish his sentence, "He's very busy so he won't have time to hang out with you."

"That's a shame," I sighed, feigning innocence and slight disappointment as I watched him straighten himself through the corner of my eye, "Who am I supposed to hang out with then?"

"Me," Seonghwa huffed, his tone laced with jealousy as he glared at the other blond with distaste before turning to me again, "What do you mean 'who am I supposed to hang out with?' You're supposed to hang out with me," he pouted slightly as he gently nudged me with his elbow.

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