Chapter 1

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Putting all my bag in the car i take one last look at my childhood house. I needed to get away from here because it makes me remember of my beautiful family. A lone tear escaped my eye and i wiped it gently. Those memories i have with them turned into my most feared nightmare. Turning around i found my family's head maid Maria in her fifty's standing beside my car with tears streaming down her face. Maria has been around before me and my siblings born, she become like our second mother.

"S'il te plaît prends soin de mon enfant, je ne peux pas te perdre aussi" she said hugging me tightly
(Please take care my child, I can't lose you too)

"Maria ne t'inquiète pas, je peux prendre soin de moi, arrête de pleurer maintenant" i said pulling away from the hug and wipe away her tears. It hurts to see her crying because of me.
(Maria don't worry, I can take care of myself, please stop crying now)

All the maids stand beside the door and bow at me with teary faces. They are already part of our family blood or not. I don't know when i am going back here but i promised them I'm coming home no matter what.

With that I climbed inside my car. I didn't use any of my luxurious car because I don't want to attract any attention especially im living low right now, the police still hasn't found the killer.

Taking one last look at them i smiled sadly and start the engine now.

Ive been driving for 30 minutes now and i stop at the gasoline store and find the restroom. Looking at the mirror i put my brown hair in a tight bun and put on my blonde wig with a lot of pins so it wont be flying anywhere. Putting my blue contacts i put on my thick black glasses and change into baggy clothes and a black converse.

Looking at the mirror i internally gasp of how different I look, i cant even identify myself.

Checking the time its 9:00 am and i have an hour before my flight. Satisfied by how i look i decided to grab some food because im starving right now. Putting all my things to my bag i go back to my car and find McDonalds.

" bonjour qu'est-ce que tu veux commander?" a bored voice said behind the speaker
(hello what do you want to order?)

"Salut, puis-je avoir un macaroni au fromage et une eau s'il vous plaît" i said
(Hi can i have mac n cheese and a water please)

"y a-t-il autre chose?" (is there anything else?)
"non" (no) i said

I get my food and pay. I park at the parking lot and eat there my food while my head is racing with different possibilities of what might happen to me there since I don't know anyone there.

I already rent there a decent apartment. Checking my time its already 9:30, I finish my food and drive to the airport.

I arrived at the airport and its 9:40. Sitting at the waiting area my mind drifted again for 20 minutes before someone announce new york airplane.

Grabbing all my bag i enter the plane sitting at the window. The plane started to ascended to the sky and i look outside the window.

"Goodbye france"

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