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My oc is 16 so ima just make Xian 15- No explanation

Thanks for listening! Carry onnnnn~
The Boy Xian

The police raced them to the hospital as fast as they could.

The woman screaming giving birth to a new born boy after that she went into a coma the male as her husband died soon later after birth from blood loss. The Boy was now in the hands of Mr Aizawa for to take care of him and wait for his mother to wake up as the rest of the heros searched for a child who had went missing.

Then I woke to two unknown adults in my room they looked like me? The female spoke. "Find your sister find your sister.." "Find her and you will find your past." They both then faded away.

I woke up again knowing it was only a dream but the dream came every night it must be trying to tell me something. But what? I then remembered what they said. Thinking to myself I didn't have a sister? I only had Shinso as a sibling he and I were adopted I knew Mr Aizawa wasn't my dad but he felt like one to me same went for Shinso.

I then heard a knock on my door. "X wake up we got breakfast and get ready Izuku will be here soon." Shinso said. "Thanks Shinso." I answered I got up from my bed and got ready in my middle school uniform I made it down stairs and greeted Mr Aizawa and Shinso good morning we all ate and finished I slipped on my shoes and Shinso tossed me my bag. "Thanks bro." I gave him a smile. He nodded with a small smile on his face. Me and Shinso had been close ever since we met we cared and were there for each other he really wasn't to good with showing emotions he only did around me and Mr Aizawa.

He was home schooled for middle school. He didn't like to socialize. A knock on the door later I opened it to see Deku my childhood best friend. I walked out the door and closing it behind me Deku greeted me with a good morning and a wide smile. We began our walk to school and then noticed a Villain attack happening the heros saved the day once again having everyone meet Mt lady the new hero.

We then resumed our walk. Me and Kacchan were also childhood best friends till he got his quirk that is. He got high hopes of being the number one hero some day and he looked down on everyone thinking everyone did to him. To me it would be his downfall. I can't say I'd win against him in a fight with quirks maybe without. I never looked down on the hot head me and Deku both looked up to the ash blonde.

He changed over the years he started to bully Deku I was always there for Deku when he did. My quirk was air bending and an electric rope. I guessed it came from my real parents. When I asked Aizawa about them he would always doge the question and avoided it. I also asked if I had any other family he knew of he also avoided that question. I was in my thoughts until I saw we reached school and Deku still going on about how he was going to apply to UA. We reached class and the bell rang I sat next to Deku and saw him writing notes.

I also did the same realizing it could help if I ever had to come in combat with them ofcourse I took notes on Kacchan and Deku I mean you'll never know. The teacher started to talk about exams and then threw papers in the air say "We wont be taking any exams because we all know you wanna join the hero course!" Everyone shot out in excitement other then the Hot head, Me, and Deku. Kacchan with his sarcastic ass said some remarks about saying hes the only one in the while school with a chance of getting in and calling everyone extras. He pissed me off a lot. The teacher then said "Oh RIGHT Midoriya you wanted to go to UA to." He said in a surprised tone. He now looked embarrassed. Everyone else laughed of the thought of Midoriya wanting to join.

Someone said something about him being quirkless. He stood up and said "T-They took that rule off I-I could be the first!" Knowing the hot head he made an explosion on Midoriya's desk sending him flying back and hitting his back against the wall. I rushed up to Midoriya to help him as Kacchan with evil in his eyes were saying hurtful things after he was done I said something

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