"4th Grade."

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I thought that I would be ok by hanging around Bri because K was now at a different school.

I bonded with Russell because I knew how to sound like Pikachu.

He was really nice to me for a while, we were together and then broke it off after Bri made it public.

I didn't really care about the relationship honestly...and then Amino happened.

I met about 3 people, one I don't remember, but I remember 2 very clearly due to some kind of bad memory I guess.

Tyler/Chara and CV, they were in a relationship and I was basically they're child.

Of course I wouldn't tell them a lot, but eventually...something bad happened.

The Dust situation.

It was a kid around thecsame age as Tyler that knew her in real life, he threatened to rape and kill her over and over again on multiple accounts and it started to affect me too.

I would get really bad nightmares about him coming to my house and touching me or hurting Tyler.

And once it all calmed down a bit later on I was introduced to Cobalt and then I introduced him to Blue.

I was mildly fascinated by sexual intercourse at this point in time. Specifically rape.

And those 2 would Roleplay it with me, despite it being somewhat uncomfortable for them both.

And then more Dust drama happened...and he went silent.

We never heard of him again, and eventually Tyler's account was deleted.

No-one ever really told me why when it first happened...I was gone when it happened actually because my sister got me in trouble for sexual roleplay with boy's who were clearly older than me by a couple of years.

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