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Tommy knew something was wrong, that something was... off. But he dismissed it with a shrug seeing how he was awoken by a nightmare of him and his family being killed.

Tommy was an only child with amazing parents and the best friend in the whole world. Speaking of which Tubbo was spending the weekend with Tommy before he was supposed to go on a big trip across Europe.

Slowly Tommy pulled back his blankets and stepped out of bed, with a small hiss at the cold floors. When he reached the door, he opened it slowly and peeked out to look at both sides. After deeming it was safe to leave he stepped out of his room and turned around to close the door.

He made his way down the stairs, wincing whenever it creaked a bit too loudly for his liking. Once safe in the kitchen he grabbed a glass and filled it with water. He stood leaning against the kitchen counters for a while, sipping on his water. When he was finished with the glass he placed it in the sink and took a glance out the window.

The sun had risen a while ago but Tommy was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice.

Mum and dad should be waking up soon, when they're down I'll go and wake up Tubbo.

Tommy tore his attention away from the window at the sound of the commotion from upstairs. His face had a confused look as he raised an eyebrow in confusion upon seeing his mother come down the stairs. Without soaring Tommy a glance she went straight to get some coffee in her system.

Once again Tommy dismissed this strange behavior, maybe she was super tired that she didn't see me? Then again I never usually get up this early.

Giving a small wave to his mother in greeting he walked over to the couch and laid down on it, taking up the entire space. He could still hear his mother making coffee as well as his father who just emerged from upstairs.

"Hey, dad!"

Tommy waited for a hello back but when he didn't receive one he peeked over the couch and saw his parents engaging in a conversation. Now feeling butt hurt Tommy decided to do something incredibly smart (stupid) and scream. It would be efficient in waking up Tubbo and gaining his parents' attention even if they were mad at him.

So taking a deep breath Tommy let out a screech that could be considered GeorgeNotFound worthy. But the reaction of the other three members is what shocked Tommy the most.

As expected Tubbo came down the stairs disheveled and he looked annoyed. "Tommy, what the fuck was that for?" Tommy shrugged and the two turned to the adults waiting for them to get angry. But surprisingly they didn't.

"Uh hey, Big Man why is your mum and dad being weird?"

"I don't know Tubbo! They've been like this since I've come down!"

Since he was using exaggerated hand movements and Tubbo was standing next to him, Tubbo ran the risk of being socked in the face by an annoyed Tommy. Tommy ranted for another two minutes until he noticed Tubbo had a faraway look on his face.

"Oi dickhead! Are you even listening?"

Tubbo jumped and let out a small scream as he turned to face Tommy again with a more awake look.

"I'll be honest here Big Man, I started tuning you out the moment you started talking."


As he was expecting Tommy flipped him off and Tubbo started giggling. With a shake of his head, Tommy got up and passed Tubbo before pushing him onto the couch.


Raising his middle finger behind him Tommy walked to the kitchen where his mom was now cooking breakfast. Now that he was closer he could smell the pancakes and bacon. Coming up from behind he was going to attempt to scare his mother by grabbing her shoulder..


His hand phased through her.

Tommy's breath became sharper as he took in deep gulps of air trying to calm himself.


The blonde boy tried to grab his mom's shoulder again but once again phased through her.

She made no reaction to his words but shivered.

"Dear? Did you feel that really cold breeze?"

Tommy couldn't hear his father's reply as a memory surfaced in his memory.

He and Tubbo were in a car accident...

They weren't dismissed from the hospital...

Tommy never got up from his bed...

His body was still at the hospital, right next to Tubbo's body...

At the same time as Tommy's realization, two flat lines were heard throughout the hallways as the doctors and nurses ran in and out of the rooms.

After 30 minutes one came out and got on the hospital phone.

After two agonizing calls to the families, the news was out.

Tommy and Tubbo had passed away...

Hello guys I'm back with a new book! Hope you like it and I'm planning on updating at least once a week every Sunday. Sorry for being gone for a while, let me know what you guys think of the book.

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