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Todd and Neil managed to get a pass to leave campus that night. They both had enough merits on account of some community service they had each completed and they lied about going out to see a film. Truthfully, neither had any interest in the sorts- they just wanted to leave campus without having to sneak away. Todd took his time picking out a nice outfit nonetheless; he threw on a cable-knit sweater that his brother had given to him because he no longer fit into it. Todd had yet to wear it but decided that a date with Neil was the perfect opportunity.

Neil did not waste any time readying himself. He wound up being dressed twenty minutes before Todd even dug his sweater out of his closet. He looked stunning. Todd found moments where Neil was occupied with reading over lines or gazing out the window to admire him. He wore a dark turtleneck that made his already-prominent cheekbones stand out more than usual. After studying the angelic boy whose lips moved with tiny whispers that tumbled from his lips as he gazed wistfully out the frost-lined window, Todd figured that the only word that could accurately describe him was ethereal. Todd pulled on his sweater as quickly as possible as to not waste a second that he could spend gazing at Neil, who had yet to notice Todd's gaze, as he was deeply engaged in muttering his lines just loud enough so that if you really strained your ears and stood perfectly still you could almost hear what he was saying.

Just as Todd began to understand Neil's whispers the ethereal boy perked up.

"Were you waiting on me?" He asked, his tone apologetic.

"Not really. I just finished getting ready like two seconds ago," Todd replied, his cheeks heating up.

"You're sure?" A smirk danced on Neil's lips. He hopped off the radiator and tossed his script down on his bed.

Todd nodded, closing his eyes when Neil pressed a kiss to his forehead, his hands found themselves on either side of Todd's face. He smiled sheepishly and tucked his forehead into the crook of Neil's neck, Neil pulling his arms around Todd. Just as he sunk into Neil's embrace- just for a moment- the pressure in his chest subsided and he was safe.

"You ready to go?" Neil asked softly after a few moments.

Todd nodded and pulled apart from Neil, his heart jumping in his chest when their eyes met. Prior to meeting Neil, he thought that only happened in romance novels.

They were dropped off outside of the theater with the stern note of "You both better be back here by nine sharp. No exceptions" before they were allowed to go off alone. They waited for Nolan to pull away before they walked in the opposite direction away from the movie theater.

Neil's hand brushed Todd's slightly, almost teasingly as the couple walked down the street, their breaths billowing out in little clouds from their mouths.

"I don't think I've ever loved anyone so..." Neil paused, his eyes darting around the sky, "... dangerous as you." He chuckled.

"What's that mean?" Todd laughed nervously.

"C'mon," Neil nudged Todd, "not you, per se, but what we're doing."

"Yeah." Todd winced. He wished that Neil hadn't brought up the societal sensitivity of their love. "Who else have you been with?" He had to change the subject.

"Ah, some girl from summer school." Neil tucked his chin into his chest, shuddering as a bitey wind blew past. "She wasn't actually into me, I don't think. There was another girl before her when I was in intermediate school. We were thirteen though, so how serious could it have been?" He started to laugh but was interrupted by a wind-induced cough.

"I-I've never loved anyone like I loved you," Todd said quietly.

"Your one girlfriend?"

"I don't think I actually loved her." Their arms pressed together now, providing some

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