Part 1: Flashbacks

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Namjoons POV
I was sitting under my favorite cherry blossom tree on my favorite mountain. Suddenly I heard rustling from the bushes. I began to prepare my fox fire in case whatever was making the sound posed a threat. I watched as a girl came out of the bushes. Time felt as if it had stopped.. the girl looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes. She had beautiful blonde hair and the most beautiful face in the whole world. She glanced at me and smiled. I could feel my heart beat faster than it ever had.  Suddenly I heard her speak. "Hello..there!" I couldn't seem to speak. "My name is Megan!! What is your name?" Her name was beautiful..just as she was. " is Namjoon..Kim Namjoon". She smiled "Nice to meet you Namjoon!".
Skip in time during flashback
Megan's POV
I felt a sharp pain in my stomach..I had just been stabbed. Namjoon rushed by my side and held me in his arms. He was crying..I never had seen him like this. " dear..*cough*" he looked at me and said "yes my dear??" I smiled at him. "It looks like it is the end for me as of now". "I will be back one day..I love you my dear". Before I died he place a mark on that in my next life he could find me again. I died in his arms.
End of flashback

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