no matter what

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  • Dedicated to Sister (best friend in the world) --> Bri

In the eerie darkness of the night I stand outside of my unlit house on the porch. Before I was so determined, in my safe warm house, about what I was doing, but now that I here I'm not so sure anymore.

I stand there, unable to move. My heart racing with anxiety and fear. I look up, and instantly I begin to relax. It's a clear summer night and twinkling diamond stars fill the ceiling of our world. A small breeze lifted and I hear the trees rustle and the wind on my chest, and the bottom of my night gown flow against my legs. My hair tickled the back of my neck making me shiver.

My heart was still beating hard. I couldn't get my legs to move and walk away from this place into the warm night. Every part of me wants to walk back into my empty house, go back to bed with the fan to lull me to sleep, and remain. But I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I would just stare at the ceiling, sweating under the suffocating blankets and jumping at every noise.

I really wish it wasn't summer. It's so hot, especially in that house with its lonely, vast rooms and hallways.

Some nights I can barely breathe.

It's nice out here although fear still lingers in the air.

No matter what I do I will always be afraid.

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