Chapter 1

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Kain stormed out of the conference room opening the door with a bang as his employees in the room gulped in fear on imagining how many of them are going to get fired today. Everyone in the room know they messed up big time after seeing the disappointment on their boss face from the moment they started the presentation for their upcoming project. As the presentation continued his disappointment turned into anger and finally he shouted at the poor project manager to stop his presentation. On hearing his cold and commanding voice every single soul in the room felt chills running down their spine and they prayed to their favourite god to save them from his wrath. Kain Pierce had this effect on almost everyone he met as he can destroy anyone if he wants just with a snap of his fingers. Like his last name his heart is made of stone and he is one of the ruthless businessmen in the world. No one ever dared to cross his way even by mistake if they want to live a happy life another day. Though he is heartless, cold and almost never smiled he always treated his employees with respect and paid them enough to have a good life. But the moment he finds a little in their work he will not think twice to replace them. To Kain his business empire is his entire world. His day starts and ends with his business and he will go to any extend to make sure his empire remains safe and unscratched. After all this empire is the only memory he has of his father and he will even give his life to keep it safe.

' I want a complete new design from the scratch in 3 days. I am not paying you all to receive such a crappy designs and ideas. You guys better give a new design on Friday otherwise find another job' Kain shouted and stormed out of the room with his assistant running behind him. As Kain left everyone looked at Ryan who occupied the seat near Kain helplessly. On seeing their helpless look Ryan sighed and stood up taking his mobile from the table.

'Don't give me that look guys. You know this will happen when he didn't find perfection in your work. Just take some break and start working on the designs again. I will talk with him and try to extend the deadline' Ryan said making everyone relax a bit . Then he left to Kain's cabin to save his best friend and business partner's assistant from his wrath.

As soon as he reached the cabin he saw Alex, Kain's administrative assistant standing outside the cabin talking to someone on the phone. Ryan sometimes felt like the peacemaker between Kain and his employees and he wished she was here to calm him down. She is the only person who never got scared of his friend's anger and coldness and no one understood how she manages to do it. It was still a mystery even to Ryan as he never met anyone who stood up to Kain like she did. But their bad luck the only person who could melt Kain's anger like a ice is on a well deserved vacation with her friends and Ryan is the only one who has to take the risk of facing his friend's anger now. Ryan loved Kain like his brother and always considered his as his family. He can even sacrifice his life for Kain, but facing his anger and coldness is not something he is fond of. His friend is one of the most dangerous people he met and even Ryan is scared of him sometimes.

'Okay fine. But please come as soon as possible' Alex said before disconnecting the call as Ryan came near him.

'Who was on the call?' Ryan asked. But before he could replay, both of them heard something breaking inside the cabin which made Alex more nervous.

'K. She came back from her vacation last night as one of her friend got sick. I informed her what happened in the meeting and she is on her way to the office' Alex informed and Ryan sighed in relief on hearing this.

'Thank god. I thought I have to face the fire breathing dragon today. K is really an angel in disguise.' Ryan said and Alex couldn't agree more. K is really their saving grace and angel who somehow manages to save them from Kain's anger. Alex just wanted her to reach the office soon before the cabin gets destroyed.


Kain was pacing in his cabin in anger with a cigarette in his hand after seeing the crappy presentation. He respected all of his employees as they are the main reason where is he right now. Without them he would have never achieved his dream and their hard work, loyalty and dedication is the building stone of his empire. But when they failed to give their cent percent in their work he will not blink twice before firing them. This habit of his may seem heartless to others, but when he pays everyone in his office a good amount as salary they must work without flaws. Errors and flaws in work is something Kain will never overlook in his life and that is the reason he is top of his game today. He took another puff looking before sitting on his chair facing the evening sky and closed his eyes. He was glad she was on a vacation as she hated when he smoked. Though he never cared what the world thought about him, her opinion always mattered to him. In the last three years she become a inevitable part of his life and he was surprised how she always managed to bring the human side out of him which he buried a long back inside. She is the only person apart from his late father managed to calm the storm inside him and always handled his anger without any fear. Even his best friend Ryan, whom he loves as his bother never had this effect on his. To Kain she is like a home where he can be himself and get some peace, the peace which he lost many years back. He realized he started becoming emotionally attached to her and somehow her absence always made him more irritated and moody. As much as this new found attachment scared him, he was glad he somehow found a women who calmed his raging heart. May be she is the god's way of apologizing for all the pain he received in his life and he decided to accept the apology after realizing how much she cared for him. No, there are not in love or a couple like many of his employees assumed. Love always bought pain in his life and he started hating that feeling from the core of his heart. He cares for her and respects her a lot and that is all he will ever feel for her. To Kain, Kriti is the solace and he will be always grateful for having her in his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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