chapter 2

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I'm back! Sorry for the lack of updates I took a break for the holiday season but I'll try to update consistently now. 


The Jung family arrived just as the sun was setting. Byulyi was standing behind the royal family in the courtyard awaiting their arrival for what felt like a very long time before the entourage arrived. The entire Jung family arrived on horseback, to the surprise of Byulyi. She had expected a well-off family like them to arrive in a carriage or at least a palanquin. But it seemed the Jung family was not like other high-bred families that had visited the palace.

They were all dressed in traditional battle leathers, not dissimilar from what Byulyi often wore. Even the youngest, Jung Wheein, was dressed in battle leathers, a long thin sword strapped to her back. Byulyi stole a glance at Prince Taehyung and chuckled to see his eyes never left the general's daughter. He was completely enraptured.

The eldest child of the general smoothly dismounted, looking for all the world like a hero out of a fairytale. He had silky black hair that hung over his eyes, and he was built tall and lean. His leathers fit him very well, and he had a sword strapped to his hip. He walked forward confidently and knelt before the heir apparent of the Kim kingdom. Yongsun blushed deeply, turning an alluring shade of red.

Jung Hoseok took her hand in his and kissed it delicately.

"My lady," He said softly. "You look radiant." Yongsun was dressed in yellow silk pants with a matching silky shirt that had long sleeves but exposed just a small sliver of her tiny waist. She did look beautiful, Byulyi had to admit. But she always did. Her eyes moved towards Prince Jin and she turned her lips down in order not to laugh.

He was still dressed in his purple silks and he looked sour as if put out that no one had told him he looked radiant. He wasn't the one getting married though, was he? The Jung's father and mother made their way to the empress and gave her deep bows.

"Your majesty, how wonderful to see you in such good health, and on such a fortuitous day for our families." General Jung said, leaning forward to kiss the empress's hand.

"Yes, I am very glad for it. I have long hoped that our families might be united in marriage." The empress gestured towards the palace. "Shall we? We have a grand feast prepared for before the ceremony." The Jung's all bowed and the entourage made its way to the great hall.

Byulyi followed, the other guards following behind her. Prince Jin fell back from the others and Byulyi found him walking by her side.

"You're looking positively radiant, sir." Jin sighed dramatically.

"That won't make me feel better now Byul," He said placing a hand to his heart. "To think no one said anything about my robes when I put so much thought into them this morning."

"Very unfortunate sir. However, you are still the most handsome man in the kingdom, despite their lack of compliments." Jin peered into her eyes, and suddenly she felt herself growing warm. Had that compliment been too much?

"I almost believed you that time Byul," There was a note of seriousness in his voice, something that was somewhat alien to the prince.

"I always mean what I say, sir." They jested often, but Byul could easily say he was in fact the most handsome man she had ever met. She didn't have to lie about that. And he knew just what kind of effect he had on people too. He left men and women alike sputtering when he smiled his blinding smile at them. "Besides," She whispered. "There will be plenty of people at the banquet for you to seduce,"

He coughed suddenly, giving her an appraising look.

"Byul that was very nearly clever."

"I try to be interesting sir." They made it to the banquet and there were already a great number of court officials there. The royal family along with the Jung family went to sit at the head of the table and servants began bringing in the food and drink. There was lots of alcohol flowing and Byul kept her eyes peeled. These banquets were always the worst to work at. There was so much to keep an eye on.

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