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dear diary,

joohyun told me she's going to confess tomorrow. i'm honestly scared for her cause what seulgi rejects her, her heart will be crushed but there's also a possibility of seulgi liking her back where they could end up dating. i wonder how she'll confess like in a normal way or will she do something special with it.

huh, how did yerimie and soo confess to each other? i bet it wasn't that flashy, soo probably said she likes her than yerimie probably thought it was a joke, laughing at her until soo told her she was serious than yerimie would've said she liked her too. bada bing bada boom, they became a couple. if only it was that easy.

with joohyun and seulgi, they haven't known each other that long since it's only been 2 months like yerimie and soo have known each other for years so it's more reasonable. i don't know if i'd confess to someone after only knowing them for 2 months but i mean, joohyun can do what she wants. if she wants to confess, she can and i won't stop her.

joohyun didn't tell joyri because she knew that they'd tell seulgi. honestly, good choice. probably can't trust them with anything since they'd just tell someone or tell the person who's involved in the secret.

but me, i'm great at keeping secrets, i swear. joohyun isn't very open about her sexuality to most people but she's told me that she identifies as lesbian and obviously likes girls. she also told yerimie and soo that but it seems like they haven't told anyone maybe because they're in the same boat as she is. unless we just don't know who they've told.

yerimie and soo are out to their parents and both of their parents seem happy about it and are still continuing to love their daughters. joohyun isn't out to her parents, she told me because she feels like her parents won't accept her since well, her fathers a pastor. so he's all about that shit, i feel bad for her. i mean, just because he's a pastor, doesn't mean he won't accept her.

i can't wait to know if seulgi and joohyun will end up dating or not. if not, i hope that they'll still be friends and that there will been no awkward tension between them because i don't want our friend group to split up.

- seungwan.

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