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dear diary,

joohyun confessed her feelings today, apparently it went quite well. obviously since joohyun and seulgi are dating now. i'm just glad that seulgi didn't reject her, i hope it works well. i hope they don't forget i exist. ugh, i'll be a fifth wheel, what am i going to do?

it's crazy, you'll never guess what seulgi told me. what do i do with this information? she told me that she doesn't actually have any romantic feelings towards joohyun but she didn't want to break her heart so she pretended she liked her back. but seulgi doesn't like her like that yet they're dating, hows does that work? she told me not to tell joohyun.

oh gosh, i tell joohyun everything but i can't tell her this, her heart will shatter and i don't want to see her upset. oh shit but when she finds out, she probably get mad at me since i knew about seulgi not really liking her :< angry joohyun is scary :((

i hope it just works out, i don't want anything bad to happen between them. ugh just sad that i'll be a fifth wheel now, i mean, maybe they won't be do pda but i know soo and yerimie do, they don't care about what other people think, they do what they want.

i wonder if through pretending to like her, will seulgi actually begin to fall for her or not?

- wannie.

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