Midnight Snack

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Y/n's Pov

"We should call the kids." Harry said after our nap. "I miss them even though I'm enjoying the peace and quiet here."

"I know, I feel like parts of me are missing when we're not together." I said. "But maybe we should put on clothes in case they want to FaceTime."

"That's probably a good idea." He smirked and handed me his shirt that he was wearing for our lunch date.

Once we were situated on the bed, I FaceTimed my mother's phone and she answered with Ava sitting between her and my father. "Hi mom. We wanted to say hi to the kids."

"Your father will go get them. We were watching a movie with Ava. Say hi, baby." She faced the phone in front of Ava and she waved but then moved out of frame to continue watching the movie. "Oh honey, don't you want to say hi to mummy and daddy."

"Hi baby, what is so interesting that you can't talk to us?" Harry asked her.

"Beauty and the Beast." She said as she came back in frame. "Belle is visiting the castle and finding her daddy locked away."

"Ah, yes, the most important scene of the movie. Well, I forgive you." He said. "Where are your brothers, my love?"

"Right here!" Edward appeared on screen behind my mother's head with Ethan next to him. "Hi mumma, hi dad."

"Hi sweetie." I smiled. "How are you guys? Did you have fun at school?"

"School was school. It was raining again so no football practice but grandpa is letting us play outside on the porch since it's covered." Edward said.

"Stay warm bub." I said.

"I will. How is honeymooning going? Make any new siblings for us yet?" Edward cheekily asked and I scowled him through the phone but that didn't matter seeing as Harry burst out laughing.

"Oh definitely. Your mum and I are really cherishing the alone time." I gently elbowed Harry's side. "But we miss all of you lots and lots. Where is your sister?"

"I'm right here!" Ava popped into frame again and waved.

"I meant your older sister. Where's Darcy?" Harry clarified.

"Darcy is-"

"Right here! Sorry, I had a deadline on one of my assignments. How is vacation?" She smiled.

"I'll fill you in on that later." Edward said to her. "Are you guys bringing back presents?"

"Vacationing isn't about bringing home presents. It's about speeding time and relaxing together and then reuniting as a family at home. There are much more important things in the world than presents, Ed.... But yes, we're bring you back presents." Harry said.

"But you will only get them if you guys behave." I added.

"We always behave."


Darcy's Pov

After the phone call with mum and dad went on a little longer, we said our goodbyes.

Edward and Ethan went back to whatever they were doing outside in the rain and I went to get a snack in the kitchen before going to finish the rest of my schoolwork.


Nine p.m.

I was waiting for Isaac to text me for about thirty minutes now. I wonder if he's home or not. If he is, he's probably eating dinner even though he probably already ate at Sydney's house. But if he's not at home, he's probably with Sydney, snacking or eating on something her mum made that's just so good, he can't get enough of it and they're talking and laughing and then his hand reaches for a muffin just as hers does and then they graze each other's skin and look in each other's eyes and-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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