TikTok Prompts

206 3 241

I'll post them on messagw board too. I'll update this later.

POV: Remus had went to check on Roman one day in the kingdom but finds out that he passed away. Remus now has to take over as King, but mysteriously Roman is brought back.

POV: Someone walks in on Virgil and Remus while they were going at it~

POV: Patton and Janus had a good relationship but Patton shows his true colors once and for all

POV: Janus and Virgil get into an argument

POV: Logan asked Patton why Remus' sash was in his laundry

POV: Roman pushed Janus to edge and Janus finally tells the truth

POV: Logan goes off saying that Patton is fine, while Patton secretly goes off to have fun with a snake and a rat

POV: Dating the villain doesn't seem so bad (Moceit)

POV: Remus isn't permitted to within 8 inches of any side, but good thing he has 29~ (Dukeceit/can be other ships)

POV: The Light sides tell Thomas why the Darks sides are now "The Dark Sides"

POV: Logan tells Virgil that he'll always choose him, no matter what

POV: Patton tells the story of how Logan fell into the Darks

POV: Patton getting rid of Romulus once and for all

POV: Logan has a code that who ever knows it can control him

POV: After getting in a massive argument, The Lights decide that the Darks, former or current, isn't good for Thomas. Killing them off one by one. Virgil was the first to go, Remus didn't go likely and killed Roman on the way to the execution block and Janus was chained, forced to watch.

Sanders Sides RpTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang