Chapter Sixteen

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I did not cry myself to sleep. I don't even know how I slept at all. I was so overstimulated from the last ten minutes, my mind raced with what could have happened if his phone hadn't gone off so many times.

When I did finally fall asleep somewhere around three, I dreamt about his lips on mine.

I woke late the next morning, a smile on my lips as the events from Christmas Day replayed in my mind. I still couldn't believe it happened. The room phone rang as I stretched, ready get up to start this day. There were so many things I wanted to do.

I answered the phone.

"Miss Wu, this is Armand. Did I wake you?" Laughter was apparent in his voice.

"Yes," I admitted. "Well, no, but I just woke up. Can I meet you downstairs in half an hour?"

"I will meet you in the lobby. Take your time."

"Thank you. I'll see you soon."

I hung up the phone then grabbed my phone to listen to music while I showered. I checked my messages and found a new Instagram DM sent three hours ago. My heart picked up speed and I sat on the edge of my bed as I checked it.

Changkyun: Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.

I squealed, laying back on the bed and kicking my feet. I hadn't dreamed that part. Not that I really thought I had, but this made it real. He really wanted to see me today. I vowed to stay up all night if I had to as I wrote him back.

Me: Does this make you Prince Charming?

His response came almost immediately.

Changkyun: Well, I am a prince. *winky face*

I giggled.

Me: I'll never argue that. I have to go. I'll see you later!

Changkyun: It will be the highlight of my day.

Damn. I couldn't think of anything to top that, so I left it. I turned on my music app as I walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Half an hour later, I met Armand in the lobby. He looked up from a copy of the Times as I approached and smiled as he put the paper aside and stood up.

"Good morning," he greeted me. "You look like you had a very good Christmas."

I giggled and nodded. "The best Christmas of my life."

"That's good. What shall we do today?"

We discussed places to go and things to do as we walked out to his car. We had somewhat of a plan when we both got in. I sat in the backseat and immediately felt how small the car felt compared to the minibus I rode around in all day yesterday. It was also much quieter. As he pulled out of the parking garage, Armand turned on the radio. "Home at Christmas" played. I squealed, completely fangirling, and pulled out my phone to take a short video of it playing. I sent the video over DM to Changkyun.

Me: You're on the radio! *sends video*

I giggled and sang along to the rest of the song. Armand just chuckled and shook his head at me. I was very grateful he was understanding of my fangirling ways.

We started the day at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Being Saturday, it was busy with tourists here for the same thing. I spent more than an hour in awe as I walked through, taking pictures where I could, and wishing the guys were here to see it with me. It was a little strange how much I still wanted to share everything with them. I would have to get over that once I returned to Chicago.

In the meantime, I could DM Changkyun. And I did. Throughout the day, I shared pictures of what I was doing, even when I got a corndog from a street vendor for lunch. I uploaded quite a bit of my day as well since I was on the app. Changkyun responded when he could, but Twitter let me know just how busy he and the others were all day. It was surprising he had time to respond at all.

All I Want for ChristmasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang