Chapter two

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Nori POV "Girl what the fuck is wrong with him?!," Tiler shouted causing the people in the restaurant to look at us but I was too hurt to care

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Nori POV
"Girl what the fuck is wrong with him?!," Tiler shouted causing the people in the restaurant to look at us but I was too hurt to care. "Five years we've been together," I whispered. "Oh Hunny," Tiler said passing me a napkin. "Five years of neglect, being put down, called out my name, him coming to the house drunk, I did everything for him. Just to find out he'd been cheating on me not just that but with KIDS" tears were running down my face. Everything I did for my relationship was for nothing.

"So what are you going to do now," Vixen said taking off her shades.
"You need to leave him," Tiler said mixing her orange juice with the Dussé that she snuck in. "Obviously and seriously why not just buy a bottle of wine from here" "please don't start with me I came here to console my sister not drag you to hell and back" Tiler deadpanned taking a sip from her glass. Tiler and Vixen have never gotten along for as long as I can remember. Vixen says it's because she is too loud, too bold, and lacks etiquette. Tiler says it's because she has a stick up her ass constantly and the botox fucked with her head. If you ask me, it's just sexual tension that they won't address🤷🏾‍♀️.

"Anyways what are going to do," Vixen asked again. "I think you should find out who the bitch is and whoop her ass," Tiler said in a matter-of-fact tone. I agreed and Vixen shook her head at this "what if the LADY didn't know he was seeing someone else" "Then I'll just talk to her and nothing more" I sighed finally wiping my eyes. "I'm texting Lucius and Azrail," Tiler said pulling out her phone. Vixen gasped "Those two they'll kill him!! Are you crazy," "good" I muttered she said reaching for Tiler's phone. Tiler caught her hand a bent her pinky causing Vixen to screech. "Okay, you know what I'm done Nori call me when you not hanging out with her" Vixen huffed walking away but not before throwing two hundred dollar bills on the table. "Lucius said they'll be in the city tomorrow"

I nodded taking a big gulp of wine from my glass. "Okay, now that that bitch is gone I got something to say and your not gonna like it." tiler took out a vanilla folder and set it on the table. Tiler scooted her chair closer to me and had a look that said I wish it wasn't true but it is. I opened it to see pictures of Thomas and what looked to be Vixen. Until I saw a picture of Vixen and Thomas laughing with both their parent in MY MOTHER'S PASTRY SHOP.

"I saw what looked to be Vixen in your mother's pastry shop 2 two weeks ago." tiler pointed to the picture I was holding. "So I confronted both they told me it was just a business meeting and nothing else." She took another gulp of her drink. "But I saw the ring she was trying to hide your grandmother's ring."
I was holding the glass so tight it shattered in my hand. "FUCK!! ARE YOU OKAY, CAN WE GET A TOWEL OVER HER" Tiler shouted at the waiter standing never by.

"Continue, please" I croaked out. "Hold on-thank you," she said grabbing the towel from a waiter. She carefully picked the glass out of my hands with her nails. After that, she then took the towel and wrapped my hand that was bleeding. "Continue, please," I asked again. This didn't make sense Vixen hated Thomas every since Introduced him to the girls.

She would call him a pampered Palace brat. And he would call her a spoiled rich bitch. And I don't recall ever not seeing them in the same room. They argued like children. It didn't make sense.

"Nori did you hear me," Tiler said lightly shaking me. I shook my head. "Well after that I started following them around and the way he treated her didn't look like no damn business meeting..... He moved her into a house and Nori"

I looked at Tiler tears of hatred filled her eyes. She took out another folder hands shaking like she wanted to rip the paper.

"They have three kids"

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