Chapter 5

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Fourth year Part 1.

Finally fourth year rolled around and I couldn’t have been happier 

“You know I think I can really see a future with Lucius” Narcissa sighs happily as she unpacks her luggage

“You aren’t even dating yet” I laugh and she throws a sock at me 

“I’m only 14 Y/N cut me some slack” She laughs 

“Oh right, but see he’s 15… In fact his birthday is next month so he will be 16!” I tease her more

“Shove off I’ll be 15 in December” She shakes her head throwing a pillow at me this time 

“Okay, okay! Go on about your wonderful future”  I smile

“He’s just so sweet to me, and yes he is a git to everyone else but you just have to know him like I know him” She sighs 

“How’s Andy, she excited for her fifth year?” I ask as I put my jumpers away 

“Andy loves being here more than home so yeah she's happy” Narcissa nods

“And Bella?” I ask 

“Her and Rodolphus are doing good, she is happy to be almost out of school… But she’s started acting weird… But sixth year is difficult” Narcissa says 

“Weird?” I ask 

Then there’s a knock at our door

“Come in” I say 

“Can I hang in here?” Regulus asks sticking his head in the door shyly 

“Yeah ‘course you can” I smile 

Reggie comes in and plops on my bed 

“Reg how would you say Bella is acting?” Narcissa asks Reg

“Different, she seems more preoccupied on something else” Reg shrugs

“She keeps mentioning some greater cause to me but I have no clue what she’s talking about” Narcissa shrugs as well

“Odd… How’s your brother?” I ask Reg

“Good as far as I know. He talks about you a lot” Reg sighs

“Well duh, that’s because he is totally in love with you!” Narcissa smiles

“He is not” I roll my eyes

“Ew that’s gross” Reg laughs a little 

“Reg why don’t you go find Barty and go to the great hall” Cissa suggests

“Yeah, alright. I’ll see you guys there” Reg gets up and walks out

“Sometimes I think Reg has something going on, he won’t talk though. He bottles it all up” Cissa shakes her head

“That’s awful” I frown

“It’s his parents fault. Here he’s like a different person” She says

“Ready to go?” I ask 

“Yep” Cissa smiles and we leave 

We sat through the sorting hat ceremony and then we ate dinner.

“Y/N ready to win the house cup again this year!” Emma smiles across the table 

The rest of the quidditch team cheers

Ophidian OrderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ