pg 5 Ch 1

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During the movie I had to get out of the theater for a while and recollect myself before I continued the movie, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick"

"Ok, just don't leave" Audrey said half paying attention

I teleported into the bathroom which immediately made the chip shock me but I was used to the stupid thing at this point, it didn't bother me as much as when I was a kid but it still sucked a lot so I prefer to not teleport as much, I feel like they upped the voltage sense I last teleported cause I really felt it burn. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked like a more desheveled version of myself a half-hour ago, things that scared me seemed to do that and made me much more drained.

Once I got back to the movie it seemed like some big chase scene, I sat back down in my seat immediately regretting it, feeling my heart rate raise immediately.

After the movie I felt exhausted from a ton of adrenaline rush, I looked over to Audrey and David and they looked fine, just chatting normally and laughing like they didn't just watch horrific events happening on a big screen.

"So, what did you think of the movie Cris?" David asked smiling genuinely.

"It was scary, definitely" I laughed at myself nervously.

"I thought it was cheesy and cliché to a hilarious point" Audrey poked in.

"well either way we saw it and we can't change that" David shrugged.

"well you also can't see the future and can't try to change it" I joked

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