Earning Slytherin Loyalty (Part 2)

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Harry's anger basically wafts off of him.

"How...how dare you. You tortured a Neko! Not only that but a little Neko! How fucking dare you!!!" He screamed at them, his body shifting.

Now, I am not known for my fear, I'm a spy after all, but the anger and absolute hatred wafting of the young Potter heir is enough for even myself to flinch.


'Harry's base instincts'

Harry's P.O.V.

I tried, I really tried to calm down. I didn't want to scare Jace, but it was too much. The next thing I knew I was covered in bright green light. My ears disappear, only to be replaced with feline ears. A tail burst from the base of my back, and my eyes started to glow.

'Protect, save, love.'



I see red...

Snape's P.O.V.

Watching Potter transform is terrifying. As he shifts in front of me, all you hear is growls and whispers. Potter keeps repeating the same thing over and over.

Protect, save, love, cub, avenge.

Over and over.

Looking down at Mr. Parkinson (I forgot that the Professors do not call the students by their first name oops) I can see that he is worried.

"It is going to be fine childe. While I do not exactly get along with Potter, there is no better person to be protective of you."

Looking up at me with worried eyes," Really? No one? Not even you or Dumbledore?"

Moving my eyes back to the enraged Potter heir," No, not even me or Dumbledore."

While I will never say this out loud, I can feel the immense power the Potter heir holds, and it honestly scares me. I know that my Slytherins receive the short end of the stick, that they are always viewed as something evil. Even if I know that they are good children, not many people give them a second glance. They see the green and silver tie and do not bother thinking farther than that, and it hurts to know that even the other professors do the same.

However, in Potter, in Harry, there is hope. I can see it in the eyes of my Slytherins. I can see their hope for a better, a fairer future. I really do not want Potter to crush their hope.

Fortunately, based on his reaction to the 'prank', I can now see that Potter may not be many things, but he is fair.

Speaking of Potter, the light fully dies down, and what's left is truly shocking.

Standing at about 5ft 4, is a Neko with sharp claws, fangs, and a furious glare, that keeps switching colors, from red to green and back.

"Just a prank..are you kidding me. How dare you stand there and tell me that shit. JACE IS NOW UNDER MY PROTECTION, ALONG WITH THE OTHER SLYTHERINS. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT YOU CAN TAKE THAT UP WITH ME!!!!!" With that, Potter takes a defensive stance, his magic responding to his agitation, lashing around the Slytherins, including Snape, covering them in a protective manner.

"What the hell mate! It was funny, can you honestly tell me that the little slut didn't enjoy the prank? Why should I care if he is hurt, he is in Slytherin!" (I really hate the word slut, so I am sorry if it is offensive, but it ties into the story for later.)

Thankfully I put the silencing spell over Mr. Parkinson, but I can feel Potter's magic as it reacts in its anger towards the youngest Weasley male.

Harry's P.O.V.

"What the hell mate! It was funny, can you honestly tell me that the little slut didn't enjoy the prank? Why should I care if he is hurt, he is in Slytherin!" (once again, hate the word, but it is important)

With that, I could no longer control my anger and blacked out, only to reawaken standing over a bloody and crying Ron.

"I said that he is under my protection, all the Slytherins are, if you touch them again," with that I turn to the rest of the Great Hall," if any of you touch them again, I will hear about it, and you will not like what I will do to you. GOT IT!!!"

With that everyone nods and Poppy comes over to take Ron to the infirmary. Turning to the Slytherins, I see them look at me in shock and something else that I can't identify.

"I mean it, if they harm you again, come tell me, I will deal with them."

With that, I make my way over to Jace.

"Come here cub, let me heal you," I say as I open my arms, which he then flings himself into.

Letting my magic loose, I send it towards Jace, encompassing him in it, letting my magic heal all of his injuries.

"Wh-why do you call me c-cub? N-Not that I mind! I'm just curious."

"Childe, while I do have mates, I do also have a little, you. My instincts are screaming at me that you are my cub, that I need to kill everyone that has harmed you, including Hermione, Seamus, and Dean. (I believe that is who else played the prank. I'm too lazy to check lol) I will protect you with my life. Ok cub?"

"R-really? Thank you ma- I mean Harry! Also, who are your mates, if it's ok to tell me?"

"It is ok to call me something other than my name cub. And my mates are Blaise Zambini and Draco Malfoy." (IDK if y'all are shy or not, but I got 17 people privately msg me with this ship. Honestly, I thought we were going to just be Draco, but this is cool too. If you were too shy, it's ok, that is why I offer the private msg option ;) )

"So, I-I can call you mamma?"

"Of course cub, now go to sleep, I will watch over you."

With that, he falls asleep in my arms, and I look to Snape and Dumbledore.

"I can no longer stay in Gryffindor tower," I state to the two shocked males.

"My boy, why not?" Fucking Dumbles.

"Have you finally lost it, old man? Let me explain. First, I am not your boy. I am not your anything. Secondly, you are free to force me back into that insufferable tower, but you may be short four students come tomorrow morning if you do."

"Albus, I believe a resort is due in this case." Thank you, Professor Snape, at least one of the staff is thinking with a full toolbox.

"No that is no-"

"Shush Albus, I will resort to the boy."

When did the hat get here?

With that, Snape sat the hat on my head before Dumbles could do anything about it.

Hat Harry

Hello sorting hat, I forgot to ask you for a name last time.

Hello Mr. Potter, I was named Abunir by Godric. May I finally sort you into the house you should have been in?

Yes, I am sorry for fighting you the first time.

It is fine childe, now, it better be...


Everyone freezes, slowly, I stand and make my way over to the Slytherin table, smirking as I sit next to my mates."

"Hello loves."

Twin responses of "Hello, lovely." are what I receive as I sit down with my cub in my arms. Things just got exciting.

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