Chapter 11

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Finally updating chapter 11! Hope you guys enjoy this one and thanks for reading so far.

Chapter 11

We scoured the top of the mountain for some time, looking for any sign of life that might indicate where this collector lived. I couldn’t believe how much we were doing for this ring. But then again, it had the potential to save an entire kingdom.

When we were thoroughly exhausted from the never-ending search, we stumbled across a wooden cabin that was set into the side of the mountain. There was light streaming out from the windows and obvious signs of life as someone wandered around inside. I could make out the vague shape of a man although only his silhouette was visible through the window. Killian drew his sword and gestured for Rocco and me to stay back. Then, cautiously, he advanced towards the door.

Pulling my cloak tighter around me, I waited in tense silence, crouched in the dark, as Killian knocked on the door. I noticed that he made sure his sword was hidden from view. I could hear quick footsteps approaching the door before it was flung open to reveal a very hairy man. He clearly hadn’t shaved in a while and an unruly beard hid most of his face. His hair was quite long as well although it was kept in a much tidier ponytail at the nape of his neck. His eyes glowed a bright green and seemed to jump out in contrast to his dark hair and sunburned face.

“What do you want?” He asked gruffly, eyeing Killian with suspicion.

“My friends and I, we’re looking for something in particular. Something like a ring.” Killian said, and I was surprised that he had come out truthfully to the collector. And the man was obviously a collector from what I could see of the interior of his house behind him. The walls were cluttered with all kinds of junk and I couldn’t fathom how he kept track of what he had collected.

“A ring?” The collector grunted, now even more suspicious.

“There are rumors that you have the Queen’s ring.” Killian answered, watching the man carefully for any sudden movements.

“Don’t know about the Queen’s ring. I just found a ring.” He clarified, dismissing the possible importance of the ring he had found.

“Would it be okay if my friends and I took a look at it?” Killian asked, his eyes watchful.

At this the collector grunted in annoyance but swung his door open fully. “Do whatever you’d like.” He said. Killian gestured for Rocco and I to reveal ourselves and we stepped out of the shadows into the pool of light. The collector gazed at us with suspicion but let us into his house.

It was warm inside, pleasantly so, and I immediately relaxed as the warmth seeped into my frozen body. I wiggled my fingers and toes to make sure they were still working and stepped closer to the fire. I inspected a table that was cluttered with all kinds of objects anyone to think of, ranging from small bracelets to a large mace. I shuddered at the threatening weapon and stepped away from it. I lifted objects and pushed them aside, looking for anything like a ring as Killian continued to interrogate the collector.

“Where is the ring?” He asked, making sure his tone stayed conversational.

“I can’t be sure. Probably somewhere in all the pile of collections.” The collector answered and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. In my opinion, they all seemed like junk.

Killian, Rocco, and I all got to work on finding this ring. I tried to draw myself inward and try and feel this ring. It was supposed to call out to me, wasn’t it? And if it was supposed to, then it would definitely have sent me some kind of a message when I was this close. A sense of crushing disappointment crept through my mind but I refused to acknowledge it and continued to rummage around.

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