Step mom (Braddison)

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TW: Abuse!!

Macy Hall~ 5 years old, Bryce daughter. Her mom is Bryces ex Elle. They have split custody over her. Bryce and Addison have been together for 4 years and Addison absolutely loves Macy. They have a two year old son named Grayson.

Macy's pov:
I finished my drawing for daddy and set it in my bag before going into the kitchen and seeing mommy and her new boy friend Jonah.
E-"Hi baby"
M-"Mommy! I made daddy a picture!"
E-"Did you?"
M-"Yeah want to see!"
E-"Of course I do!"
I ran and grabbed the picture and headed back over to her and handed it to her.
E-"That's beautiful honey. Daddy will love it!"
M-"That's me and Gray and then that's daddy and mama"
E-"What did you call her"
E-"No her name is Addison she is not your mom I am"
M-"But daddy says I can"
E-"Honey don't listen to daddy ok? Listen to mommy"
M-"But daddy says I can"
E-"Well I said no! You know what your in big trouble sit in the chair and wait for me"
I felt tears come to my eyes but hid them away and went to the chair. What nobody knows is that even though I love mommy whenever I do something bad she hits me. Sometimes it's my arms and legs but one time it was my eye which hurt. I never tell daddy because mommy says if I do then I'll never see her again and I don't want that. I always lie to daddy and say that I fell in my sleep. She comes over and squats in front of me and grabs my hands and holds them tight twisting them causing me to yelp out in pain.
E-"Shh Shh Macy you did this to yourself. Now what have we learned"
M-"To not call Addison mama and always listen to mommy" I sobbed.
E-"Good job now you get one hit"
I nodded my head and she rolled my sleeve up and punched my arm hard and slapped my head a little.
E-"Now go play with toys while we wait for your father to come get you"
M-"Yes mommy"
I got up and went to the living room and startled playing before hearing a doorbell and saw daddy talking to mommy.

Bryces pov:
I hopped into the car and drove to Elles house. We didn't have the best relationship when we were dating. Let just say it was toxic and then it turned abusive. I never hit Elle but she used to punch and slap me at least 3 times a day (I don't know if all the stuff I'm saying is true. So there are mixed elements of the truth and fabrication.) Then we found out Elle was pregnant. That changed our life's forever but I wouldn't change it. Right now Elle and I both have 50/50 custody but I noticed that Macy has been acting very different recently. I didn't want to worry to much about it so I pushed it to the back of my mind. I drove to Elles house and rang the doorbell and saw Elle open the door and scoff.
B-"Hi how was she?" I said grabbing the book bag from her hand.
E-"She's great. Macy?"
M-"Yes mommy?"
E-"Come here please daddy's here to get you"
Next thing I know I saw my baby girl rubbing to me. I squatted down and opened my arms and hugged her right as she jumped into my arms.
B-"Hello my baby I missed you"
B-"You ready to go home baby?"
M-"Yeah, bye mommy"
E-"Bye sweetheart."
I got her into the car and buckled her into her car seat setting her bag next to her. I hopped into the drivers seat and starting driving.
B-"So how was mommy's house?"
M-"It was alright."
B-"I have a question for you"
M-"What is it daddy"
B-"How do you feel about mama and I getting married"
B-"Over the weekend while you were at mommy's house and Grayson was at his nanas house daddy took mama to a waterfall. And under the waterfall I got on one knee and asked mama to Marry me"
M-"What did she say?"
B-"She said yes but I won't marry her unless I have your permission"
M-"Yeah you can marry her!"
B-"I want you to know that when we get married nothing is going to change. And I want you to remember that daddy is always going to love you and you will always be my little princess ok?"
M-"Ok daddy!"
I smiled and pulled into the driveway and got her out of the car and held her against my hip and took her inside.
B-"We're back"
G-"Daddy!" He said running up to me.
B-"Hi baby boy look who's home!"
I said putting Macy down. He immediately hugged her and she hugged him just as tight.
G-"Sissy! I miss you!"
M-"I missed you too Gray."
I smiled as I watched the two interact. I stood up and grabbed them both and held them against my hip. Both on each side . I walked into the kitchen and saw Addie cutting up some food for both kids.
A-"Hi babe. Hi princess"
B-"Hello baby" I said kissing her.
M-"Hi ma-Addison"
I was so confused, Macy never calls her Addison it's always been mama.
B-"Why don't you two go play while mama and daddy finish lunch."
I set them both down and they went to the play room and played.
B-"That was weird"
A-"Yeah it was how was she with Elle?"
B-"She said she way good but-"
I got cut off when I heard Macy scream from upstairs and start crying. Addison and I dropped everything and ran upstairs. When we arrived we saw Macy screaming crying holding her arm and laying on the floor.
B-"Hey hey hey what's wrong baby"
M-"Grayson hit my arm on my bruise."
B-"What bruise"
M-"Nothing" she sobbed quickly grabbing her arm covering it. That's when I knew something was wrong. I gently picked her up and took her into My room and sat her on the bed.
B-"Baby I need you to tell me the truth. But first let me see the bruise"
She sighed and gave me her arms. I lifted her sleeves up and saw three massive bruises and one forming on her little arms.
B-"Baby where did these come from"
B-"Mommy hit you?"
M-"She always hits me. Whenever I do something wrong. Like today I made you a picture and I showed mommy and told her who  everyone was but when I said it was mama she yelled at me and hit my arm"
B-"Princess why didn't you tell me?"
M-"Mommy said if I told anyone I would never get to see her again"
B-"Baby mommy's aren't supposed to hit there babies. Whenever someone hits you, you need to tell me so I can fix it."
M-"Daddy I don't want to see mommy again" she cried into my chest.
B-"You won't ever have to baby."
I hugged her tight before grabbing my phone and calling the police. (again this is not true!!! Some of it may be elements but it's not all true!)
?-"9-1-1 what is your emergency?"
B-"Hi my daughters biological mother has been abusing her"
?-"Alright are you guys together or?"
B-"No we have 50/50"
?-"Alright can we have an address"
B-"it's *********"
?-"Alright you will now have full custody of your daughter. Her Mother will be in jail for about 10 years plus"
B-"Thank you good night"
?-"Good night sir"
I ended the call and held Macy tighter as she cried into me. I heard the door open and looked and saw Addison walk in with Grayson on her hip.
A-"Woah what's wrong"
B-"Elle was hurting her" I whispered into her ear. I heard her gasp and saw tears welled up in her eyes.
A-"Omg! Hey Macy can I talk to you. Just girl talk"
Macy lifted her head up from my chest. She nodded her head and hopped off grabbing Addisons hand and walking off leaving me with Grayson.

Addisons pov:
I took Macy to her room and sat down on her bed and set her on my lap.
A-"I know I'm not your mom. I never will be but I would love to be your stepmom. Your worth so so so much and don't deserve to be treated like that. What your mommy was doing wasn't right you know that?"
M-"Yeah daddy says you never hit anyone"
A-"That's correct. I love you so so so so much. I'll always protect you ok?"
M-"Yeah thank you mama I love you" she said as she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight. I hugged her back and kissed her head. When we were done I picked her up and carried her into Bryce and I's room where we all laid down and cuddled and fell asleep cuddling as a family.

Happy one year of Sway❤️

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