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Devils POV (It's easier and I'm lazy skip to when they get to the hospital)

I walked into the checkup room next to King, who was laying on a small bed asleep. He held my paw. I held his hand back. Ms.Roslin sat in a chair on the other side of the room. A doctor had followed us in. He had purple hair in a short ponytail. He also had green golasses. He bent down next to me and looked in my eyes. "He'll need to stay here tonight and possibly more." "Oh...Can I stay with him? I promised I would always protect him." "...I guess so. But you have to get permission from your parent/guardian." "I don't have one...I-I live in the orphanage but...there's not a adult that lives there. There's a few teenagers but nobody's else..." King rolled onto his side to face me and squeezed my paw. I rubbed his hand. "Oh...why don't we give you a check up as well. Do you know if the teenagers are 18?" "Everyone is 16 or younger." "I see. Well, let's just give you a quick check up. Are you okay with that?" "I guess so. But can I stay in here with King?" "Of course. Are you two siblings?" "No. But I've known him for a few years." Even though I never said anything to him. He picked me up gently and sat me next to King's head, who was still holding onto my paw. He put something in her ears, it was connected to a necklace? That looked like a Y with a small circular piece on the end. He put the piece on my heart. It felt cold against my fur. He kept it there for a moment. He removed it and put it back around his neck. He walked over to the little counter next to the bed and grabbed a puffy object with a little string and a blob on the end. He put the puffy bit around my arm and squeezed the blob, I felt the puffy ness squeeze my arm till it hurt. I whined. King must have woke up because he moved his head into my lap and looked up at me. He rubbed my paw with his thumb. He smiled at me. "Awe~ you two are so cute together!" Ms.Roslin and the doctor said as he took the thing off my arm. "Have you been eating?" "...I-I ate once last week." "Wait...I shared my lunch with you last week." King said. "Have you eaten any other time?" "...R-rarely." "Have you been drinking water?" "We get a water bottle at breakfast everyday at school." "..." The two adults stared at each other for a moment before telling us that they'll be back and walking out the door. "Dev you need to be eating." King had sat up and let go of my paw, his feet dangling off the bed next to mine. "Have you been sleeping?" I slowly shake my head as my eyelids start to feel heavy. "Dev...Here, why don't you take another nap with me?" "No, it's fine really-" "Dev your taking a nap. When we fell asleep back at school it was only for five minutes." "I-...fine..." I scooted back and laid on my back. King laid on me to where his head was on my chest and played with my fur. I wrapped my arms around his back. I heard a vibrating noise. I lifted my head up and looked around the room. "Are you purring?" "I guess so." I said before laying my head back down. He chuckled before saying, "Night Devi~" King said, as he snuggled into my fur. My face felt warm, I don't know why though. My eyelids felt more heavy as I slowly feel asleep.

Dr.Khal's POV

"We need to get him out of that environment." I said to Jane. "Witch one? I understand they both have bad home life's, but you said he." "Both of them, Kingsley gets fed but is constantly abused, hell it gave him a problem with his lungs to where it's hard for him to breath for a while. And Devil is starving to death. Also nobody is giving these boys support." "They have each other." "I-You have a point. But, I think they would like living with some of the other kids at the hospitals kids area." "I thought that was only for sick children? With contagious diseases." "They have there own room. This one is for kids with no parents or guardians, disabilities, that sorta thing." "Huh. I think that would be a good suit for them." "Mhm. The only problem is that we would have to get permission from Kingsley's parents." "That is true...why don't we walk down to there house and convince him it's what would be best for Kingsley?" "That is a good idea...Okay. But first we need to get the boys to sleep. I could take them to a shared room, that way they won't be separated." Jane nodded her head. I opened the door and walked in, looking at my clipboard of information, making a mental note to get more on Devil later. "Okay boys, Ms.Roslin and I are going to be gone for a little bit, and you guys are going to be taking a nap after you eat some lunch. Is that okay?" I look up to see Kingsley laying on Devil, both of witch were cuddling in there sleep. "Awe~" I whispered. I put the clipboard on the counter and bent down to open the cabinet under it. I pulled out a night light and plugged it in next to the boys. I went back and grabbed a blanket and shut the cabinet. I put the blanket over the boys, carful not to cover there heads. Jane turned the light off and walked out the door, me following her. I shut the door behind me. "That's adorable." "Yeah, but since they are already asleep, should we go ahead and leave? I have Kingsley's address from another time, poor thing had passed out." "Golly, what haven't these boys been through! But I think we could leave, we just have to tell a nurse to keep an eye on the boys." James walked by. He was wearing a blue nurses outfit (idk) and looked like he had died his hair green, again. "Oy! James, get over here." I called to him. He walked over. "Yes Dr.Khal?" "I need you to keep an eye on the two boys in here. They are taking a nap, but after they wake up and eat something I would like you to keep them entertained till we get back." "Okay, I'll make sure to keep an eye on them." "Thank you. Could you also check me out?" "Of course! I'll make sure the  receptionist knows." "Thank you." He hummed as a response and sat down on a chair outside the door. I waved him goodbye and walked outside the hospital. I turned to Jane. "Where next?"

I'm to tired to edit this, sorry. I'm sitting in a airport waiting for my friends cousin to get here. Hope you like it though. Have a good night, or day, or something. Love ya~ -Gummy

Word count: 1223

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