Little trip

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Dr.Khal's POV

We walked down the street. "The dice family...not the best people I've met. Most of them are constantly drunk, and if there not drunk there very cranky, rude, and gambling obsessed." "So you have met them?" I asked Jane. "At a parent-teacher conference. He was bleeding from his side, so I was concerned. I asked them about it but they said he had just spilled punch from a party on his shirt and he didn't have time to change." "Hmm." "Something on your mind?" "No no, how close are we to the dice home?" "We're actually here." I looked to the house next to the side walk. It was a good sized house with two stories. It had grey outside walls and a birch roof. It also had a birch door with a spade design on it, the spade in the center was painted a light red. I walked up to the door and knocked. Jane closely following me. I heard a cat meow softy at the door. The door opened and there looked like a thirteen year old boy with a dice for a head, like Kingsley. The dots on his head where blue. "Hello, my name is Dr.Khal, is your father home? I need to speak with him. He stood there for a moment before moving to let us inside. "Dad! Kings teacher and some doctor wants to talk to you!" The child yelled. We where standing in-front of a staircase, to the left was a hallway, to the right was a small kitchen. There were tears in the wallpaper and some definite need for plaster in some areas. I man with a dice head walked through the hall, he was wearing a navy blue coat with a grey vest. He also had a small navy blue top hat on with a grey ribbon wrapped messily around its base. His dots where blue, like his son's. "Sorry about that, Dominic. Upstairs. Now. I will come speak with you in a moment about your attendance in class." He said to the child, who rolled his eyes and walked up the stairs. "Once again, sorry." "It's fine, though we do have important matters to discuss with you concerning Kingsley." Jane said. "Of course. Please follow me." We followed him to the left, and down the hall to a living room that had a light blue couch on the sides of the room with a coffee table in between. There was also a fire place on the third wall, with pictures hanging on the walls around it. He motioned for us to sit on one of the couches, we did as asked.

With the boys (no POV)

James put a bookmark on his page and closed his book. He stood up and sat the book on the chair. He stood in front of the door where the boys where still sleeping peacefully. He opened the door halfway and saw the boys still asleep, well at least King was. Devil slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times to help wake him up. He stared at James for a moment before the two heard a yawn. Devil felt as the die-headed boy sat up in his lap. Devil sat up as well, to where there foreheads where on each other's. "W-what time is it Devi?" King asked tiredly. "I don't know. But there's some guy standing in the doorway that might know." Devil said, still staring at James, who walked up to the two. "Well, it's 3:20. But I have a question." "Oh... what is it?" King asked, blinking his eyes a few times to wake up."Well I was wondering if you two are hungry?" James asked politely. The two boys nodded their heads and stood up and followed James out the door. James shut it gently then turned to the boys. "Off the the cafeteria!" James shouted as he marched down the hall and to a stairway. He continued to march up the stairs, the boys following behind. Once they finally got to the third floor, they saw a rounded desk in the center of the room, blue, pink, and yellow couches around the room. With a white Christmas tree next to the receptionist desk, that was decorated with red, blue, and yellow striped candy canes. "This way boys." James called to the two, as the looked around the room. James held one of the two large doors open for the boys who walked into the small cafeteria. James walked Devil and King to a bench, that was painted yellow.

Kings POV

I sat down on the bench next to Devi and felt as his arm wrapped around my waist and pull me closer. I turned my head and smiled at him, I could see a little bit of red on his cheeks. I placed my hand on his right cheek and rubbed it gently with my thumb. "What are you doing?" He asked. "There's somethin' on your cheeks." I replied.

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