The Beginning is the End is the Beginning

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the (many) things/music that I reference throughout.

Important: I typically have a "you do you, boo" attitude towards what you do/don't listen to when reading fanfic. However, music is a huge part of this story - Draco/Hermione are often listening to music throughout the story and many songs/albums are referenced. I have put together a Spotify playlist for each chapter that takes you through the songs referenced/sometimes has an added song throughout [on Spotify at canttouchthis87]. I think the playlists help enhance the overall reading experience - but music is a very personal thing so - you do you. .or if you don't like Spotify, I'll be posting the playlists on my Tumblr @ canttouchthis87

Finally...this story would have been impossible without the help and support of a few people. First, a big thank you to Melanoradrood for being on the receiving end of my 'so - what do we think about a grunge AU?' message and helping me find a way to turn this from a plot bunny while listening to the Smashing Pumpkins into an actual story.

Thank you to Art3misia for the hours and hours spent researching the 90s with me and all of your help. You have been an amazing Alpha/cheerleader and I couldn't have finished this without you. Thank you also to my Beta on this, astrangefan for helping to find my typos/make this readable.

A last thank you to my ex-husband who will never read this but whose music acumen/snobbery were a massive help throughout.

A new chapter will be posted every Friday until it's complete.


September 2, 1997

Hermione felt numb to the scene before her - the bustle aboard the Hogwarts Express playing out like a scene from Clueless . She rolled her eyes at the squealing second year girls and the rowdy laughter coming from a nearby compartment of sixth year boys, playing on their Gameboys.

At one point such a sight would have filled her with warmth - she imagined a younger version of herself smiling at the antics. But all she could see now was naivety; the immaturity of children completely oblivious to the world around them.

She tucked her knees into her chest, placing her headphones over her ears and blasting Crowded House, allowing the cacophony surrounding her to fade away.

She had been looking forward to returning to Hogwarts for her Seventh Year just yesterday - holding on to the notion that the familiar routine would bring her out of her reverie. She had envisioned herself racing through the train searching for Harry, giggling with Lavender and Parvati about whatever incessant boy band they were obsessing over and spending hours on end in the library.

She had assumed the familiarity of the places and people would be enough - that outside of the home where her mother died, she would be able to return to a different version of herself. But the scene of parents bidding their children goodbye on the platform made her stomach twist.

"Crowded House? Really?" She jumped at the intrusion, narrowing her eyes at Draco Malfoy who was smirking from the seat across from her.

She glared at him, pointedly turning the volume on her CD player up to block him out. He raised a single eyebrow but proceeded to pull out a dilapidated notebook and ignore her.

Hermione watched him carefully use a ballpoint pen, his face scrunched in concentration over whatever he was doing. His nails were painted black, though the enamel was cracking. He wore faded jeans and a Pearl Jam concert tee with an oversized leather jacket hanging over the ensemble. He'd grown his unnaturally blonde hair out - the tresses streaked with black dye reaching his chin.

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