the argument

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Gwens pov:
"omg I don't get it sometimes your all high spirits and the next your sitting on bunk and playing your guitar solomly. Why would I want a friend like that." "Did you really just say that well I can't stand to be any where near you." I stormed out of the mess hall and nearly knocked lou over. I went straight to my bunk, got my guitar and then went into the woods.

a few minutes later and I had found a nice place to sit. It was in a small clearing but had a large rock that would be great place to sit. So i sat there and started to play somebody to someone on the guitar.

lou's pov:
I was just nearly knocked over by gwen but she looked really angry I just left her though because she likes to be alone when she's angry.

As I walked into the mess hall I saw ava comferting destiny. Something defiantly happened here. I walked up too ava and destiny. They both looked really worried.

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