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We all start as a stranger sometimes end that way too and isn't it strange to have a stranger you know?

We all start as a stranger sometimes end that way too and isn't it strange to have a stranger you know?

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I stared at him with a shock and quickly got over it.

"Hey, Amya... are you busy?" He asked gently.

"Not really, I'm free." I stepped to the verandah.

"Mmm... How is life?" I queried in a low tone.

"Not bad! And yours?" He stood beside me.

Ooh, so something is bad I muttered under my breath.

"I'm fine," I folded my arms.

Silence begins to fill up.

"I had sent you a message on Instagram!" He broke the silence.

"Ooh, I didn't notice it. I was busy with my projects." I lied because after all these years now he got time to message, moreover I have nothing to chat with him.

"Ooh! Senior year?" He queried.

"Yeah." I stopped with a sigh.

I saw Inya coming up with cool drinks.

"Liam, you can have drinks, wait here." I went up to Inya and came back with the drink.

When he took the drink from me I could see that his hands were shaking and his lips were quivering. When he was speaking his eyes are not meeting mine and it's speaking a different story. Strange!

"And how is your school?" I asked.

"Hmm... I took a break." He looked away.

"Break!?" I got confused.

Straight away my phone begins ringing and I checked the caller id.

"I think I should take this," I said.

"Ooh sure." He replied with a tight smile

"Okay will see you around" I took the phone from my pocket.

"Okay, I will be with Inaam. Keep in touch." And he walked away.

"Hai mom. What's up?" I picked up the call.

"It's not mom it's me your only brother Ryan." I can sense his attitude there.

"I wish I hadn't!" I said with a smirk.

"Huh? That should be my dialogue, right?" He cut off me.


"Anyways, I and mom had reached home. Want to pick you now or in the morning?" He sounded tired.

"No, I will come tomorrow and Inaam told he will drop me." I walked out of the verandah.

"Ooh, poor him want to suffer you till he reaches here." He chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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