Chapter 2 ● Start Of Classes

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The time I arrived at school, it was 5:00 AM but classes don't start till 7:00 AM. So as I arrived, I noticed that the school buses haven't arrived yet. In fact, non of them are even here...

So I decided to walk around the school. Just to refresh my mind on where are the places I need to go to like the cafeteria or the clinic or even any of the offices I might have to go to. I went past the locker rooms, the students own lockers and past all bathrooms.

I basically went around the whole school. I even went through the gardens and past the indoor swimming pool. The track, the gym, ballet classes, taekwondo, karate, judo and etc. I went around and explored every inch and meter of the entire school. Not even exaggerating.

I checked my watch and is was 6:00 AM. So I went near the bus area and saw some of the busses coming in. And it looked like my batch's bus.

So I went near the vehicle as it started to stop and park. Once it was parked, the bus door opened and students started exiting the bus and headed off to their classrooms.

Until I noticed some heads surrounding something...I guess? The bus door was still open and I thought I saw the bus driver sigh. What the heck is happening?

I rushed inside the school bus, Ash hasn't left yet and those people seemed to be laughing. And not the I'm laughing at your joke kind. Like they were laughing at someone, mocking them...

When I entered, a rush of anger filled me. What I saw was Ash on the floor. Getting beaten up by the bunch of guys around him with their binders. They threw his books at him and it looks like he had gotten a black eye.

"HEY!" I shouted, catching their attention they looked at me.

"What do you want? Huh punk?" One of the guys said. He (typically) had a silver chain on him and a hat that said 'shwegr' (A.N AHAHAHAHA shwegr xDD. Sorry for my bad humor :P). Not even kidding. Does this guy think he's cool or something? He looks so lame. And he's so skinny too. Looks like a baby can crush his bones.

"Piss off. And leave my friend alone!" I lashed out. The guy took a step back in shock. It was either no one defined him before or the bitterness in my voice just startled him. Best if it was both.

"Who are ye? A new kid?" He asked, taking a few steps closer to me while I held my ground. My fists clenched beside me, I tried my best not to punch him, yet.

"Dan don't! You don't know what power these kids have! Don't mess with them!" Ash said with a worried tone. I looked at him like he just told me something I already knew.

"It's okay! I'm fine, you don't have to worry-" A kid cut him off by kneeing him right to his gut.

"HEY!" I ran passed the douche looking guy and kicked the person that kneed Ash in the face, knocking him back. I ran to him and grabbed his face and smashed it to the window, his head is bloodied with the glass shards in him.

I looked at the others with my "Game-On" face as they froze in shock. I stepped forward, past Ash and held both their shirts. Gosh they are so light! What have they been eating? What are they doing to their bodies?

I lifted both of them in the air without noticing and threw both of them at the douche I went past earlier with full force, knocking them all back. Then I helped Ash back up and helped him pick all his things up.

I ran to the guy I smashed the window with his face and threw him to the other pile of guys. They all groaned in pain. Oh how I love that sound. Suffer. SUFFER OR DIE.

By that time, I lost it, constant kicking, blood loss, punching, throwing, smashing. The bus driver just stared in shock of how much violence I'm portraying.

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