Easy Lover - Golden Wind

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After being undercover as the target's 'girlfriend' for several months, your character is ordered to finish the job.


We stepped into the hotel's ballroom, golden light coming down from the glittering chandelier above. The voices echoing off the walls filled my ears. Some of the most powerful and dangerous people in Italy were gathered here tonight. To the more romantically inclined, this would seem like a magical night of dancing and merriment. In reality, it was a chance to meet, network, exchange information, and plan with new and old allies. All this while glaring and scoffing at enemies and rivals from across the room.

Giorno lifted his arm, an invitation for me to take it. I gingerly wrapped my arm around his. His touch was warm and reassuring in a way. He was wearing his signature black suit with gold trim, something he did to distinguish himself from others. I matched him in opposite, wearing a gold dress with black detailing. We had planned this out very carefully, wanting to signal to others that we operated as one unit. Some were convinced that we were a true power couple, the two of us both dangerous and beautiful. Others hated how close The Don of Passione seemed to rely on a 'girlfriend.' What people didn't know is that this was a clever trick on our part.

You see, we make it appear like we are in a romantic relationship together. We made an arrangement many months back, after I had spent some time in his inner circle. Giorno made it clear that he did not want to pursue any sort of romantic or sexual relationship. His offer was simple. Any event he went to, I would act as his date. I would pretend that I was his comare, interacting with the people and mingling in the crowd. This would serve two functions: The first is a bit of intel gathering on my part. Two sets of eyes and ears is better than one, and the two of us can get a more cohesive picture of what is going on within the different ranks of Passione and other rival mafias. The second is more covert. I am a trained assassin, deadly in my craft with a long resume of confirmed kills. While Giorno has a very powerful stand, he doesn't like to use it very often. He prefers to keep it mysterious and secretive. I am his first line of defense should things get dangerous, which has been a few too many times already.

We walked into the sea of people. I took a quick look around scanning the faces as they passed. Lucky for us, we weren't alone this time. A few of Giorno's men were watching from within the crowd, keeping an eye on everything. I spotted Mista across the room. His lax and chill demeanor hiding his wandering gaze. Bruno was politely chatting with some ladies not far from us. I didn't see anyone else, but that I didn't need to see them to know that they were working diligently. Many of the others gathered here had their own bodyguards and spies placed carefully throughout the room. It was expected at this event, and neglecting to do so always ended in disaster.

People moved aside as we moved through the room. Eyes followed us, so many different expressions on their faces. Some were of awe, others of hatred and anger, more were smug or curious. Giorno continued on, his head held high and confidence oozing from his form. I matched his energy, carrying myself tall and straight. I had to play the queen to his king, elegant and powerful. That is what we arranged, after all.

I had spent two years in Giorno's inner circle. He took me in after he heard of the work I had been doing in the lower ranks of Passione. He needed someone like me close to him. So I was promoted and instantly got to work. After all this time, I came to know his team, and I regarded a few of them as friends. I would give my life for them if the time should come. Just as I would for Giorno.

It was my job, of course, but that wasn't the only reason. Giorno trusted me, more than most other people had before. I found it strange, considering he had only met me a little while before. Living by his side over the months let me see into his world and learn much about him. He would sometimes give me small stories of his life, though nothing before he exposed himself as the boss. He didn't talk about family or relatives. It was almost like the mafia was his family, his team the only people he cared for. He was so passionate about them in his strange introverted way. Over time, I began to respect him. Maybe even care for him.

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