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You leaned your head back against the bathroom wall. This wasn't happening. But the pregnancy test said otherwise. You'd taken four pregnancy tests to make sure. They all had come up positive. This would explain the 'bug' you had had last week. Would Gabriel even want this baby you wondered putting your free hand over your belly. Never in the year and a half of dating Gabriel did you think you'd end up pregnant.

It was just the one time you and Gabriel hadn't used protection. But then again it only takes once. It's not like you had meant for this to happen. Sam,Dean, and had just gotten back from a dangerous hunt where you'd barely escaped with your lives. The look on Gariel's face was that of relief, concern, and if you didn't know better sadness. Anyways the two of you were just happy that you were alive that you hadn't bothered with protection that night.

You clutched the pregnancy test in your hand as you got up from the bathroom floor. "Gabe...I need you. I have something important to tell you." You whispered softly.

A flutter of wings alerted you of the angel's presence. "Hey there Y/N. What's up?" Gaberiel asked moving forward to kiss you. But you put a hand on his chest to stop him.

"I have something to tell you and I'm not sure how you're going to take it." You looked up at him before hesitantly handing him the positive pregnancy test.

Gaberiel took the test looked at you, looked at the test, and then looked back at you with a smile. You were looking at the tiled floor so you hadn't seen his initial reaction. He placed his thumb and index finger on your chin and made you look at him. He was smiling which is something you hadn't expected.

"So you're not mad? That's a huge relief." You sighed .

"Why would I be mad about you being pregnant Y/N? Unexpected yes...mad definitely not." He smiled at you.

"I guess that was stupid of me to think such a thing. So you definitely want this baby, right?" You asked putting your right hand over your belly.

"Of I do Y/N. This means there's going to be a mini me running around out there in the world. And there'll be someone else to drive Dean crazy when I'm not around." Gaberiel grinned as he pulled you close and kissed you. You were the one to break the kiss to catch your breath.

Gabriel got down on his knees in front of you and put his hands on your belly. He feathered kisses all over your belly which earned a giggle from you. He laughs too before resting his forehead on your belly. You laced your fingers through his hair and placed your left hand on his shoulder.

"I guess we should go tell the boys the good news," You giggled. "How do you think they'll take the news? I think Dean's going to freak out the most. What do you think Gabe?"

"Well I suppose we should tell them and I think it they'll just have to deal with it. I'm with you Dean freaking out. And hey if they don't react well I can smite them. You just say the word Y/N." Gabe said smirking.

"True, but you're not going to smite them Gabe. Like ever." You told him trying to look serious but failing.

So the two of you walked out of the bathroom connected to your room and went to find Sam, Dean, and Cas. You foumd them in the living room arguing over who was a better James Bond- Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig. All the while Cas was trying not to get caught in the middle.

"Daniel Craig is a much better James Bond. He has way more awesome technology." Gabe interjected. Cas shot him a look of gratitude for finally ending the conversation.

"See Gabriel agrees with me." Dean said giving Sam that I-told-you-so look. Dean didn't even seem surprised to see Gabriel with you. Him and Sam were used to seeing Gabe, and Cas, around the bunker on a normal enough basis to really not think anything of it. Plus he was your boyfriend after all.

"Hey guys I...well we have something to tell you guys."

"What's wrong Y/N? Are you not feeling well? Are you hurt?" Sam asked his voice filled with concern. All three sat up straighter.

"Well...I'm pregnant. There I said it." You saw their jaws drop at the statement you'd just made.

"You're pregnant? Are you sure?" Sam asked finally breaking the silence.

"Yes I'm pregnant and yes I'm sure." You squeezed Gabriel's hand.

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