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SCP identification number: 5129

Object class: Euclid

Threat level: yellow

Special containment procedures: SCP-5129 is to be drydocked bi-annually for maintenance and hull cleaning. It is allotted a 50 square kilometre area north of Scotland. If SCP-5129 leaves it's allotted patrol area it is to be escorted back or to the nearest resupply ship by the SCPS Leningrad


SCP-5129 appears to be a Sovetskiy Soyuz class battleship of the USSR.

Official records acquired from the Russian Navy state all four hulls laid down before World war Two were scrapped shortly after Germany's invasion of the Russian homeland.

During an interview with one of the last surviving workers that built the hulls it was revealed that one ship was completed and named Советский Союз (translation: Sovetskiy Soyuz). Unfortunately the man passed away before he could disclose more information about it.

At this time it is unknown what caused SCP-5129 to animate and gain sentience.

Tests on steel samples recommended. with consent from it.

After being questioned 5129 has disclosed that it prefers to be referred to as female and can be sunk by conventional weapons such as bombs and torpedoes.

After gaining permission to remain aboard for its Daily patrol it was discovered that 5129 can operate itself without the need for a human crew but still needs fossil fuel to run its engines

Interview log:

Radio begins

paper shuffling

Dr Markov “Hello my name is Doctor Scott Markov. I am currently aboard you could you tell me a bit about yourself?.”

5129 "what do you wish to know about me?"

a pen is heard clicking

“Well I’d like to know do you have a name you want to be called or known by?.”

"Sovetskiy Soyuz. It is the name given to me by my builders."

“Hmm alright Sovetskiy you do anything for fun or hobbies you prefer?” 

A pen can be heard scratching on paper.

Paper rustling

"I patrol an area north of Scotland as I have done since the end of the great patriotic war. I do not do anything for fun and have no hobbies other than listening to music with my radio"

he’d sigh as pen writing and clicks were heard as he flipped the page again still listening then looking up “is there any intent of harm or hatred towards humans or anything at all..perhaps feelings in general in-fact is what I mean."

"as long as I am not fired upon I will not attack."

“That seems fair" he’d write something and flip to the last page still always paying attention

“Last question!" he’d smile happily

“What is your opinion on the foundation?” he’d click his pen

"you mean well but sometimes cause more problems than you solve. Such as with the Bismarck. Over the years I have made nine shells capable of killing it once and for all."

he’d write something down finishing the clipboard as he got up and left the ship

“That’s all we need for today Ma’am.” he’d smile

"thank you for talking to me. I shall resume my patrol."

he’d put the clipboard away as he waged and left in a large truck labeled [CLASSIFIED]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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