Harry Potter: part 1

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The Death of the Potters

Daddy asked uncle James if he and aunt Lily could watch the three of us on Halloween night 1981. You see Daddy was invited to a Halloween party that was being thrown by a relative of ours and children were not allowed to be there. We were having so much fun with our godparents and our godbrother that no one paid attention to the time. It was almost ten o'clock, Daddy wanted us to be asleep no later than nine o'clock.

Aunt Lily took us upstairs and helped us get ready for bed. After we finished getting ready for bed, we went to Harry's room and slept on the floor. Harry slept in his crib of course.
It was almost eleven o'clock when we woke up to a weird noise. Harry started to cry when we heard screaming. Uncle James is dead. A voice said in my mind. Aunt Lily ran into the room scared, screaming and crying. A cloak followed her. The three of us turned invisible and protected Harry. The cloak killed aunt Lily. The cloak tried to kill Harry. The three of us were stronger than this random cloak.

From this point on, the four of us had scares, Harry's was a lightning bolt. Jay's was a star(*) and Alister and I each had half of a spaid(♤), he has the right side and I have the left. Most people don't see ours', but they see Harry's.

Wow, Harry James Potter; The Boy Who Lived! Why does Dad get all the credit?! We saved him! Whatever!

Anyways, we picked up Harry and ran outside. Yes, I know everyone 'knows' that Professor Dumbledore found him inside, but that's not what happened at all! Daddy came back the second he heard the noise. Luckily, he was only like three blocks away from the Potters' house, and he had his flying motorcycle with him. But the next thing we knew, Daddy was being taken away to Azkaban.

The Rest Is Almost History

Well, for Dad the rest is history. For us, not quite. When we were in England, we would go between Aunt Cissa's, The Borrow, and the Dursley's. We were treated like the young royals we were; Harry on the other hand had to basically wait on us hand and foot if we were at the Dursley's house.

When we were in America we would go to Forks and spend time with our vampire/wolfblood family.

In all, it went like that for the next 10 years. In 1991: Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Hermione and Blaze started at Hogwarts. 1992: Jay, Alister, myself, Kagay and Raven started, we had early acceptance. Jay was sorted into Slytherin, Kagay: Ravenclaw, Raven: Hufflepuff, Alister and myself were actually in Gryffindor originally and then the next year were resorted into Ravenclaw. In 1993: Bunny was sorted into Gryffindor and Glacier was sorted into Slytherin with Jay, Draco, Pansy, and Blaze. These two were also accepted early.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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