Dazai Osamu

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TW: contains suicide and self harm

Spoiler for the Dark Era outcome

This isn't the best but oh well

We love some angst


Dazai was let off work early, Well actually Kunikida told him to leave unless he was going to be helpful.

He decided he would go straight home to supprise you as he usually got home late from the office.

A smile made his way onto his face as he thought of you running into his arms when he opened the door of your shared apartment.

Skip to when he's at the apartment

As he made his way up the stairs to the door he felt a gut feeling something was wrong but brushed it off thinking it was nothing.

He opened the door and felt something was wrong because you hadn't greeted him like usual.

He didn't bother taking off his beige coat and went further into the apartment to find all the lights expect the bathroom one was turned off. He quickly ran over and banged on the door calling your name.

But there was no reply

He tried opening the door only to find it was locked. Fearing the worst he started banging frantically on the door and he yelled, "(Y/N)!! Please open the door right now or I'll break it down."

Still no reply

He took a few steps back and used all his force to break down the door.

As his eyes rested upon your figure his heart skipped a beat and let out a shaky breath. Seeing you in a puddle of your own blood that flowed from deep cuts on your forearms and a bottle of pills knocked over beside you made his heart shatter. His tears fell onto your face as he cradled your body.

Through tears he said, "Please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone again. I can't do this without you. I love you so much. Please don't leave me (Y/N)."

Holding you closer to him he kissed your cold lips for the last time whilst soft sniffles and whimpers filled the once silent room. His shaky hands brushed through your hair as he hugged you tightly not wanting to let you go.

As he lifted his head upwards to the ceiling a bitter sweet smile spread across his face as he spoke the next few words to you,

"Hey (Y/N),go and find Odasaku and he'll take care of you until I join you once more but don't worry I'll be there sooner than you think my love."


Thanks for reading :)

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I'm sorry for hurting Dazai I will be nice next time.

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