CH- 2

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'Sir... Sir' I came back to my sense after a young boy called me.

'Oh I'm sorry, what happened to the man?' I asked him

'Oh we just send him to the hospital. Thank you for your help, if u did not come at the right time we don't know what would happen' the boy told me

'Oh it's nothing, then I'll be off' I told the boy and get back to my car and I take a look at the empty parking lot before driving away.

It's been 1week since I smell that particular smell I know I am wrong that smell can't be there but I can't get it out of my mind.

'Sir here's the new photographer's profile and some of his work' Diana's voice pulled me back to reality she handed me a file.

I opened the file and the photographer's name is Drake and he has 5yrs photography experience with many fashion brand, his work is really impressive but what attract me the most is a picture of a landscape, it's like I used to know that place I've been there but I can't remember where it is..

'Sir, Sir.. '

'Oh yes'

'Are you okay? Do you not like the photographer?'

'Yeah I'm alright, I was just thinking something, and I like the pictures but where is his picture?' I asked

'He told us his picture is an unimportant thing, the most important thing is his work we should only focus on that if we like his work then he will come personally to show his face and he also don't like press taking his picture and all that so we have to respect his privacy' Diana said in a breath.

'Quite an arrogant' I frowned

'But he is best at his job as you can see in the picture if he joined our company for upcoming project it'll be great advantage of us, and as for your information the Li Wang group also trying to hire him so we have hurry and come up with a decision' Diana told me as in she telling me to stop thinking and give the job to this photographer.

'Ok fine, then set an appointment date' I told her

'It's tomorrow at 4pm in our office meeting room' Diana said

'What? So you actually knew I'll say yes' I said angrily

'Well let's say I know you won't do anything that will be bad for the company' Diana said in a monotone and left the room.

Tsk!! This loud music I really hate it, right now I'm in a pub with a glass of whiskey that I didn't drink and bunch of annoying people talking shit behind others people back and worst of all I have to sit here and listen to this bullshit and all thanks to my friend Michael. When I was about to leave my office he suddenly show up all dressed up and pretty much dragged me here.

'Stop making that face you are making it obvious that you hate being here' Michael whispered to me.

'Well I am, why the hell did you bring me here for anyway?' I asked him in a low voice.

'This is a way of making connection, here's everyone is quite powerful we might need them one day so endure it for a bit, and you should come out and socialize sometimes' Michael give me his annoying smile

I hate that smile. I don't understand why do I ever need humans help with anything, I don't care if I die on my next hunt so I don't think I need any kind of help from a human.

'I going to get some fresh air' I told Michael and leave the room.

I heard his shouting "come back fast" guess I don't have much choice. I went to the balcony of the second floor because the pub is on the first floor the second floor is private party rooms and so the second floor balcony is pretty much empty only couples and some people are here. I was standing at the edge of the balcony suddenly I smelled that familiar scent . I looked everywhere to find where's the smell coming from I saw a tall figure man standing at the other side of the balcony wearing a shirt and jeans long heirs reaching his shoulder, I can't see the man's face because he was facing the other way, before I know it my legs start walking towards the stranger . .

'Um, excuse me' I called the person

'Yes' the person said while turning to my direction, I can't believe my own eyes what I'm seeing right now.

This person he is alive no this can't true he died many years ago, then who is he.

'Hello!! Are you all right? ' the person asked me but I couldn't answer him I just started at him.

'Tang Yi there you are, I was searching for you everywhere, what are you doing here' Michael's voice make me came back to my senses and I looked at his direction.

'I was talking to Mr...' I looked at the person but he was gone

'Who are you talking about?' Michael asked

'He was here just a second ago' I was just talking to him.

I started to look for him everywhere at the balcony but it's like he vanished in thin air.

I don't know what MIchael and others said and how I got home all I thinked about that mysterios man.

'Dude you look awfully absent minded, are you really ok?' Michael asked me. I can feel his concern in his voice, but I can't tell him what made me this way yet. 

'Go home for today, I have to worked' I changed the subject and go to my study, Michael followed me there 

'You are so cruel Tang Yi, I helped you so many times but now you are telling me to get out at this hour what if something happened to me, will you take responsibility' Michael said in a dramatic way.

'You are so annoying get the hell out of here' I glared at him. He raised his hands up in the air as if he give up 

'Ok Ok I'm going, have a very good night, ASSHOLE' Michael leave the room as soon as he finished talking with a goofy smile on his face.

SIGH!!!! I can't help but to release a sigh of relive.


I met a starnge person at the bar, I feel like I met him before but I don't quite remember UGH!!!! it's frustrating when I can't remember anything. Let's just sleep for today, tomorrow is a big day...


Hi there guys..... How are you all?????🙌

It's been a while since I write something, I have been crazy busy with all studies and this COVID situation really making things worst.😖😖😖

Make sure you guys were mask when  you go out.😷😷😷

I love you guys



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