Trick × to the × Trick

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Ssup guys

There's gonna be a lot of stupid references in this chapter so stay tuned!!

Also sorry if the the characters are OOC I'm trying to pick up some of their habits

Also let me know if I have grammar mistakes!!

3rd POV

"Okay, it's time to end this." Leorio points

"Drag him off and send in. Your next contender!" Leorio demands

From the other side someone walked forward "that's not possible." The figure respond giggling

"Wait, what?"

"I said, I'm afraid we can't move him." "His match isn't over yet." The figure walked over to the unconscious blue hulk

"I don't get it how is the match not over." Leorio muttered to himself "what are you talking about" Leorio calls out. The hidden figure words caught the opposing team on edge

The figure crouched down to Manjitani head hiding their hands as well acting like they checked their pulse then stood up.
"He's still alive, just unconscious." The figure spoke

Duh duh duh duuuuuh. Y/N gave a dramatic noise in her head.

"Oh, don't you remember? This was a fight to the death." "One of them had to either die or admit defeat." The pink skin feminine voice stood up

"He's still alive and he hasn't surrendered" they giggled and walked to their side. "Tch talk about splitting hairs." Leorio crosses his arms his face showing annoyance.

"Maybe, bite you've gotta admit she's right." Killua says reasonably "I'm with Killua" Gon shares "same here." You spoke

"Thats how it is?"
Leorio grumbled

The four of them turned around facing Kurapika oh yeah and Tonpa too.

"All right, Kurapika!"
"Get over there and out that loser out of his misery." Leorio said to the blond hair

"I refuse."



"What do you mean, refuse?" Leorio yelled at Kurapikas response. "The fight was already over."

"It was clear t me that by the time I punched him, he had already lost the will to fight." Kurapika explains thinking back

Yeah he even admitted it although he did also say 'not a second earlier' when he was explaining too. I recalled in my thoughts

"I will not continue fighting a loser." Kurapika explains closing his eyes in the process. "Seriously? What are we supposed to do?" Cause those guys are claiming the match hasn't even ended yet." Leorio declares loudly

"I will leave that to him." Kurapika states blandly "huh?"

"He can decide his own fate just as soon as he revives" Kurapika says "come on!" "We don't have that much time and it's running out fast." Leorio says in panic

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