"T, over here!"
Julie waves to her best friend, who was hopping out of her personal jeep.
Harriette looks up, a smile on her face.
"Hey girl!"
She runs up to Juli, giving her a hug.
Then, she slaps her face.
"That's for being a lil bitch."
"What?" Julie laughs, ribbing Harriette. "You mad I told yo little nerd boyfriend to do my hw?"
"He's not my man," Harriette growls. "Fuck off."
"Girl, your stupid ass is blushing!"
"Let's just get to class."
The two of them walk together to first period, gossipping about the usual. Julie's mom was the principal, and she loved to joke that her mom and Harriette's dad were.. eloping.
"Chile... you're not gonna guess what my mama was talm bout the other day."
"So...you know your nerd boyfriend's dad?"
Harriette glares at Julie, jabbing a finger with long acrylics at her face.
"Say Dominic's my man one more time. I fucking dare you."
"Chill," Julie pushes Harriette's hand away from her face. "I won't do it again, goddamn! But anyways.. I heard that she arranged a threesome with your dad.. and Dominic's dad."
"Ew, that's mad disgusting!"
"I know, right! Ugh.. she needs to keep her hands to herself. You're prolly glad he declined, otherwise you couldn't date your wittle nerdy!"
Harriette steps on Julie's foot with her heels, barely missing.
"Shut up," she snarls at her. "Jesus, J. Can you not motherfuckin'-"
Harriette's interuppted by the soft laugh of her crush.
As she and Julie walked through the courtyard, many groups congregated on the grass, talking amongst themselves. As one of the most popular girls in school, Harriette didn't really talk much to people outside the circle but she was nice... when she wanted to be.
Sometimes a person would be the recieving end of Harriette's bad hair day.

Anyways, her so called "crush", the elusive Dominic de Santos, was strumming his guitar, jamming out with his buds. J and the rest of the populars called them the Loser Nerds, not acknowledging the fact that they were also straight A students like this group. They don't even consider paying the teachers a little extra to bump their grades, they just are naturally smart.
He flicks his majestic hair back, fixing his white beanie. He adjusts his round, circular glasses, as they were slipping from all the laughter.
Dominic quickly says something in Spanish to his friend, Harriette watching from afar as the other person seemed to pull out sheet music.
Dominic looks it over, and then shrugs, stuffing it into his pocket. He saddles his guitar over his back, and gets up, Harriette swiveling out of his view, and ducking behind a bench.
Damn, that was fucking close. I coulda sworn he-
"Girl, what the fuck are you doing down there?"
Harriette looks up, and slowly rises, making sure that Dominic didn't see her.
"I uh... was looking for my phone!"
She pulls out her new iPhone, with a golden case.
"Found it!"
Julie rolls her eyes, and pats Harriette on the back. "There, there. Everybody gon stalk their nerd boyfriend at one point in life, eh?"

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