Settling in

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As I saw the track pulling out of the driveway , I went inside of the house to explore it and was honestly so amazed of how nice it was and how it looked nothing like the old house! And I thought the old house was nice but I guess not . I went upstairs so I can call my room first before my brother does! As I was admiring how nice the bathroom was I saw the room that across from it and I called it straight away and then I heard walking steps coming up the stairs and realised by now that it's my brother since his footsteps were so loud that sometimes I felt like he was trying to break the stairs on purpose or just liked being annoying!
And when I met him by the stairs I took him around and seeing what room he wanted to choose and when we finally finished looking at the rooms which felt like it was forever since he tried to pretend like he was those people who looked at the texture of things and tried to be like those posh people and just be the dickhead he was knowing that he was pissing me off I finally just yelled ' you done now?' And he gave me a couple of those chin scratches trying to be posh again he finally said yes and so I asked him what room he picked and he pointed at the room that I've chose and he kept being annoying saying that this was his room even tho I told him that I've picked it and the only way to make him shut up was tackling him down and holding him from his weak spot and asked him one last time who's room was this and he screamed painfully " yours , and now get off me now! " . To be honest I enjoyed being the older brother and just annoying him on a daily base and knowing that I'll always win since I was stronger .
And as I got off him our parents just entered the room that we were in and took couple of glances around and simply just said that this our older half brother's room and I was shocked because I thought that he wasn't gonna come over from home so I quickly replied " when is he coming? " and my replied with "in about two weeks" and with that they went and chose my room that was next door and that was the room that me and my brother made jokes about being small and it not being either of our room and as soon as my parents pointed at that room my brother burst into laughter looking at my disappointed face and me not being able to help myself but smile and while he was laughing my parents just let out a sentence that just reminded me of the saying "karma is a bitch" and with that I just dropped down laughing like a crazy person and just holding a hand over my stomach and the other pointing at my brother like I was a 5 year old . That sentence was "Ayman is sleeping with you from now on" now Ayman was our youngest brother he turned 5 in November and he was the cutest creature you'll ever imagine but yet the most annoying thing ever!
He had curly bright brown hair and it covered his eyes and he would always complain about it being annoying and just always pushing it back while he was running . He had features that wasn't expected , like for an example his name meant that he would be right handed/footed but he was the complete opposite and I found that pretty funny , he also had the cutest cheeks and a smile that would make you melt literally.
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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