• Part 1 •

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"Oh! Thank you."

A woman stood in front of a large counter, thanking the cashier for their wonderful work. That cashier, was Error. "You're welcome miss." He answered.

Working at a coffee shop was quite calming, although they did stumble upon some Karens once in a while. The lady walked away with her warm latte in hand, the wonderful aroma filled the whole shop.

"I love this job." Error whispered to himself.

He stared at the written orders that the waiter had written. He had placed them there for the head "chef" to go and take. "Feeling good today Error?" The waiter asked. Error nodded happily, fist bumping his close friend Cross. "Haha yeah. How's work for you?" He flipped back a question to keep the convo going.

"It's okay so far, writing all of these orders is giving me a pain I never though I would feel." Cross answered, giggling quietly. Error patted his back supportively. "Just go take the orders and then die on the bed once we get home." Both of the idiots snickered while the head chef smacked the two. "Why aren't y'all wOrKinG."

Nightmare and his short-ass stood there looking very happy. Error gave out a nervous chuckle as he handed Nightmare a written order. "We were just talking for a bit. Sorry :,)" Error explained. Cross went back to taking orders because he probably was the most busy out of all of them. "Nah that's okay. I just wanted a reason." Nightmare replied.

Error's shift ended in a few minutes. So he took off his apron thingy that was a part of his black uniform. They were custom designed which was cool. Error looked over at the door, assuming no one was there. He caught the eye of someone familiar, he just didn't know who.

"Hey Error?"

Error snapped right out of it, he looked back at Nightmare who was trying to ask him something. "Yeah?" He continued the conversation normally to stop laying suspicion on himself. "Are you feeling okay? I could take the rest of your shift. I have a whole team of chefs in the kitchen." He wondered.

Error shook his head momentarily, he wasn't going to miss out on anything. "No I'm okay, I just thought I recognized someone near the doorway." He added on. Nightmare took a small glance where Error had looked before, and eyed everyone there. "If someone gives you trouble tell me so I can end them."

Error practically snorted at that. "What nooo!"

And with that, the shift was now over. It was time to head home with the rest of the squad. Error, Cross, and Nightmare all met up at the park. "Work is so tiring, stealing is better." Cross whined. Nightmare smacked him, as always. "But at least you could improve your shit penmanship." He joked.

Cross gasped dramatically, feeling quite offended. "You're one to talk, you write like Dream but shitierr." Meaning cursive that isn't cursive, just fucking doctor handwriting. Nightmare glared at the other. "Cross, you are in the danger zone." He said.

"Oop sorry." Cross couldn't help but want to snicker at that.

Oh right, speaking of Dream, they were already on good terms. No more fighting and running away. That was the main reason why the whole Meme Squad wanted to work at a shop together. They always had each other's back, so why not work together.

"It's been awhile since you had talked to Dream right? Why don't you go and talk to him." Error asked Nightmare, who looked down almost immediately. "I think I'm good. I want to stay clear from him before I get too attached haha." He answered. Cross didn't like where this was going, and decided to stop it.

"Why don't we stop talking about hiM and actually talk about something worth talking about. I heard Error saw something during his shift?" He explained. Error nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I recognized them, but I didn't at the same time. I don't know..." Was he going crazy? I'd hope not.

"Make sure to be on the lookout. I don't want you getting kidnapped or whatever." Nightmare said blankly. I bet he was still bothered by me telling him. I mean the way he just eyed everyone near the doorway. "Okay."

Nothing much happened at the park after that, so Cross and Nightmare went back to their house, which had been filled with all sorts of things. Due to Dream stopping the 'hunting', they finally were able to settle in a house :D

Error was about to leave as well, but then he heard something in the distance. A nice tune, or music. It was very faint, but there was a song that was being played. Who was playing that...? Error decided he wanted to find out, so instead of following his friends, he would head over to see where the song was coming from. If it was a lure, he would've fell right into their trap.

But it wasn't.

The tune actually came from JR. Or at least a room in JR. Oh boy this was going to be a trip down memory lane. A guard stared at Error with the normal apathetic guard eyes, refusing to let him in without permission or something. "Oh screw that I just want to hear music is that a bad thing?" Error whined.

The guard didn't reply to any of Error's statements, so Error did exactly what anyone else would normally do.

Kick him in the face :D

He waltzed around the halls, kicking JR's useless guards while he felt nostalgic. It was such a great, but bad feeling. That wasn't the point here though. He needed to know where that song came from. So he listened into certain doors. (not counting Dream's office—)

And then found where it was coming from. The song that was playing was Fur Elise, a classic. And the person who was playing it...

"You play really well haha..." Error started, the familiarity started to grow again. Was this the same person at the cafe..? Maybe.....but who—

"Thank you." The person who played turned around and smiled at the other. It seemed like he didn't expect Error's appearance as well, but was glad he came.

The blue scarf gave it away completely.

"B-BLUE?!" Error shuddered almost immediately. How the heck was he here!
The brown haired boy got off the chair, waving politely.

"It's not nice to intrude like that Error. I didn't even realize you were over here." He started. Error couldn't process all this. He had left Nightmare and Cross...for this? For an old friend he wish would be out of his life forever...? How could he be so s t u p i d ?

"Is something wrong?"

A new voice was heard, this voice was recognizable. "Dream. Why is Blue here." Error didn't even care if he and Dream weren't mutuals, he just wanted answers. "Well—"

"I wanted to use the grand piano so I came here and asked and he accepted and bla bla bla I'm here now." Blue interrupted the other, who just nodded at that. Error sighed in pure disappointment. Not at them, but at himself. Ink also decided to enter the room.

He had heard everything, and was genuinely interested the whole argument.

They all stared at each other for a solid minute, before Ink finally spoke out. "Look, we can admire each other all day, but we have fucking work, so if you excuse me. LEAVE. LEEEAAAAAVE." Ink then began to push Blue out of the room, but Blue tried to resist. He then remembered that he was a twink, so obviously he couldn't stay.

Who was left? Dream and Error. Just standing there. No talking or anything.

"I assume the coffee shop is in business?" Dream guessed, taking Error to a more secluded area. Away from the chaos that was Blue and Ink. "You know about the shop?" Error hadn't gotten the memo that Dream already knew about all their shenanigans.

"Of course I know. After trying to find you all these years, I think I have a good way at knowing what you do on a daily basis." He joked. Error giggled softly as he nodded in agreement. "Right." He answered. "Everything has been going well so far. I have the cashier job." Error added.

"Wonderful :D"

"But uhm, would you mind staying till I go get lunch? It's great having someone new to talk to once in a while." Dream asked. Error put a thumbs up and smiled once more.

"And while we're at it, why don't I get some coffee for the both of us."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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