Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

"Here's the book i forgot to returned yesterday" Lyra said as she gives the book to the librarian.

"Why thank you young lady. How's the book? Is it good?" The librarian asked while taking care of the book.

"It's actually pretty good. I really liked it. Can i just take the book forever with me and not return it?" Lyra said with her puppy eyes.

They both laughed.

"Well no silly but there is this store down the street where you can buy this book. I don't know the price but you can check it." The librarian replied.

Lyra's eyes widen.

"REALLY?!" she asked

Without letting the librarian finish their sentence, Lyra ran out fastly from the library heading to the place where the librarian said.

As she's running to the place, suddenly she bumped into someone. They both fell.

"Ouch.. watch where you're going next time!" A boy voice said to Lyra as he leans his hand to help Lyra.

"I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to! I was heading to the book store down the street i was really happy but then-" Lyra apologized to that boy.

"Okay okay i forgive you! Just be careful next time. Oh and did you said the book store down the street?" The boy cuts out Lyra without letting her finish her talk.

Lyra nod answering that boy's quetion.

"It's closed. It's gonna be open on Wednesday. I was gonna go there but turns out it's gonna be open in three days" that boy signed.

"Aww that's sad. Do you know a book named Heart Boogie Woogie? The storyline.. the characters?! They're so..... AWESOME!" Lyra's eyes shines.

But turns out the boy's eyes shines too.

"WAIT.... YOU READ THAT BOOK?!" The boy asked loudly making them the center of people attentions.

They both face turns red of embarrassment. But then they laughed.

"Okay okay sorry. You read that book? It's actually my favorite book!" That boy said to Lyra more quietly.

"Yeah i do. It's really good you know. I wanted to buy that book but turns out that he store is closed." Lyra's sad face began to appear.

"Hey, don't be sad. Let's hang out! We can go to moonbucks! You know.. get some coffee or stuff that you like. I'll pay" that boy said as he strokes Lyra's head.

"Moonbucks? I love that place. It's funny how we have some similarity. Okay let's go!" Lyra said as she gives a warm smile.

That boy looked at Lyra's with a little blush on his face. He then nodded. They both walked to moonbucks. A popular coffee store. People likes to hangout there.


HELLOOOOOOOO thank you so much for reading this. I hope you liked it. This is my first time writing so there will be some.. weird storyline or stuff TwT

I know it's weird but it'll be explained on the next chapter? Maybe? Idk. I just hope that you'll enjoy until the end :3

Sorry if it's really short. I just don't know how to make these :^

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