𝘐𝘐. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨

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"On the Run"
Thursday, 24/03

Auggie went to sleep, but he couldn't close his eyes as there were ants in his pants. He was excited for the king.

He then remembered he needed to thank the shadow so he opened his window and carefully jumped out.

He looked through the forest, but he didn't see the shadow. He was quite sad not seeing him, but he heard a rustle on his left.

He went to where the sound came from and his behind a tree and to his surprise. It was the shadow man who saved him the other nights

Auggie went to the shadow and hugged him. The shadow froze and looked down, he saw Auggie hugging him. He was about to say something, but he was cut off.

"Sorry for bothering you the other night, I came looking for you today and here I found you. I just wanted to say thank you for healing me. And sorry for being a burden." He said letting go of the hug.

Now looking at the shadow, "I hope to see some other night, my names Auggie by the way Mr. Shadow." He said now going back home.

He turned once more time to say goodbye to the shadow only to see him gone. Auggie was sad as he didn't get to say goodbye, but he went back home to bed.

The next morning came and Auggie got out of bed. He put his white button up on and some leather overalls on top. Finishing off with some leather boots with a belt on his waist.

He was about to go down the stairs, but he heard talking so he went to see what was up and his by the railing on the highest stair.

He eyes widened seeing his father handcuffed by two knights. He was bout to scream, but then he ears is father screaming.

"No, you will not have my son!" His father screamed. "We will have to take him with us, we mean no harm.
Please just come with us peacefully and with no noise."

Auggie was about to grab his bat and go down the stairs. Then his father saw him and yelled, "AUGGIE, RUN AND NEVER COME BACK!!" The two knights then looked up to see a young boy.

The one knight stayed with his father as the other one was coming up the stairs. "Please come with us peacefully, we mean no harm to you or your father."

Auggie could tell it was a lie, the new King was going to torture them. He ran into his room and locked the door. The knight was now pounding the door.

The knight successfully knocked the door down, only to see a fully opened window and that Auggie was no longer there.

Auggie ran for his life with a few knights chasing behind him as those knights saw him running. One of the knights separated and ending up going to Technoblade.

"Your highness, one of the villagers, Son of the man who owns the bakery has ran away." He said while bowing to the blood god.

He stood up and took his sword and swung at the knight barely cutting him. "You useless men can't even catch a kid!" He said while running out the palace entrance.

He saw a big pack of his knights running towards a skinny, fairly short kid. He grabbed a horse a got onto it. Now he was chasing Auggie too.

Auggie looked behind, not only were there 3 guards chasing him. It was Technoblade also chasing him now. He ran to the right, right into the forest.

Technoblade told the guards to gather all the other villagers while he looked for Auggie. "Where are you, little piggy?"

Auggie now put both his hands on his mouth after hearing this two piercing words from the mouth of Technoblade, the one Auggie hated and was most scared of.

"God damnit!!" He heard Techno scream out of anger. "I can't believe a lost a kid." He heard him swing something hard onto a tree.

He heard Technoblade trot away on the horse. He waited for a little while before running out the forest to the village where Violet was.

He ran for what seemed like hours. It was now night and he hid underneath a tree. His eyes were failing him as they were shutting slowly.

He now fell asleep. He woke up hearing horses running. He stood up and saw there was a pack of knights looking for him.

He ran to the village as quick as he could. He made it, he leaned onto the tree next to him. Huffing and puffing his chest out.

He was now tired from running so much. He was now were Violet was. He looked around asking people if they knew who Violet Bhurgerham was.

They all knew her and said she was most likely in the palace so he ran up there getting stopped by two royal guards. "Halt, who goes there?" The guards say.

"My name is August Peterson and I'm looking for Violet Bhurgerham."
He said calmly. The guards thought that he was going to slaughter Violet.

They asked him to follow them and he was now thrown into the dungeon. He thought that they were leading him to Violet, but was he oh so wrong.

"Auggie!!" He heard a sweet voice say. That voice belonged to his best friend Violet. "Vi, please tell them to let me out!"

She told the guards that Auggie was a friend of hers when they were babies and the guards let him out saying they were sorry.

Auggie said it was fine and it was their job anyways. "Augs, why are you here in Aster?" She asked. "Festern has a new king." "Augs, I was already informed that." "Vi, the new king is Technoblade." He said to Violet.

She was shocked. She didn't believe it, her home was now getting ruled over by the Merciless Piglin. She thought that Auggie was playing a prank.

She looked to her right and saw that Auggie's face was dead serious, she knew he wasn't playing or trying to fool Violet in anyway.

She told Auggie to stay with her until Festern was safe enough to go back to. Auggie listened and stayed with Violet at Aster for the meanwhile.

A week had passed and then he realized what was missing. "Vi, I need to go back to get Paps!" He told Violet in a hurry.

"Augs, you can't go back there. It's dangerous!" "I don't care Vi, I need to get Paps!" They were fighting and of course Auggie won.

He promised to come back with his father safely and he packed up all his stuff in his brown satchel, he set off back to Festern to go look for his father.

1146 words

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