Chapter 1

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Alexandra POV

The café that my family owns is a wonderful place in my opinion. It is usually quiet which makes it perfect for me to do my schoolwork and when it isn't quiet it is usually because my family is there perfect for getting out of schoolwork.

I sat at the counter eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich my aunt Mia made while working on my math problems. If you couldn't guess I am homeschooled just as I have been for the past year. My parents tried to put me in a regular school but that didn't really work with everyone's schedule and the temper I have from my Dad. I'm perfectly fine with that though the other children at school were dreadfully boring. I would much rather spend my days at the café with my aunt Mia then in some class with overly happy teachers and stupid children.

I look up from the paper and put my pencil down in frustration, "Aunt Mia?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Mhm?" she responds not looking up from the notepad she was writing on.

"When will Uncle Jesse be back?" I question knowing he is good with math.

"I don't know. Why?" she responds looking up at me.

"I got stuck on this one," I say pointing to the dreaded number 14 on my math paper.

"Let me see" she responds. I push the paper towards her. She picks it up and examines the one I pointed to.

Placing the paper back on the counter and going back to her notebook she "Think about it. What times 2 equals 12?" she asks

"umm... 6?" I ask getting ready to write down the answer.

"Yup," she says looking at the notepad.

"Thanks" I respond continuing with the rest of the problems. She smiles at me and continues writing on the notepad. A few minutes later I got stuck on another math problem.

"Ummm... Aunt M-" I was interrupted by the sound of the man's truck pulling into the parking lot. The same man who has come to the café every day for the past 3 weeks to eat lunch and flirt with my aunt. I wouldn't say I didn't like him, he got me out of work for a few minutes which automatically moved you up on my list of people I didn't hate but I didn't like him either. Something about him just rubbed me wrong. Aunt Mia looked up from the notepad and glanced at him before smirking.

She then turned her head towards me, "What's up?" she asked still smirking.

"Nothing. You go flirt I'll skip it and come back to it when you are done" I respond smiling back at her.

She rolls her eyes and goes back to the notepad. In reality, though that was the last problem on the page so I just sat up and watched the exchange that was about to go down. It was obvious aunt Mia liked him. I mean I am 6 and even I can see it.

I heard the man's truck door slam and looked to my left to see if my dad was at all affected by the man's entrance but he still sat there with his back towards us. He was hunched over some papers, probably bills.

When I glanced to my right the man had just walked in and took a seat at a stool with his back to the large, open entrance.

"Tuna on white, no crust right?" Aunt Mia asked not looking up still writing on her notepad.

" I don't know how is it?" he said as he flipped open his magazine.

Aunt Mia looked slightly annoyed as he said this but responded in a very cheeky tone, "Every day for the last three weeks, you've been comin' in here and you've been askin' me how the tuna is. Now, it was crappy yesterday, It was crappy the day before. And guess what? It hasn't changed".

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