Chapter One

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Just a heads up here's some things you'll need to know:

Y/e/c: your eye (color)
Y/h: you're hair
Y/hh: you house

Anyways- continue:

You're  walking to your class, which for the love of God, has Draco. You've been enemy's for as long as you can remember. Although he seems to not like anyone, as you've seen him fight with potter, and other people that aren't in Slytherin. But for some reason as likeable as you are, you don't seem to get along. He's always saying,
"you weasel!"
And you come back with,
"Ferrit Boy!"
But nothing to serious happens. Not at least until today.
You walk in the class and sit in you're seat, but Hermione wasn't there, instead it was Draco!?! You and Hermione have always done you're work together unless pansy or fred interfere. You sit in the seat angerly, he looks then scoffs at you.

"You got a problem blondie?,"

"Not today (y/n),"


Aggravated as usual with each other snape walks in and starts the lesson.

*15-30 mins later*

Snape says,"Alright class, today we have a potion project to do."

You raise your hand to ask a question.

Snape sighs,"yes (y/n)?"

"Do we get to pick are partners?"

Looking over to Draco. Snape sees this as an opportunity, not just for you but for others as well.

"No, you work with the person right next to you."

You go wide eyed, but decided not to fight snape... Today.

You both disappointed, look at each other and discuss the project.

Who's dorm will you go to?~

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