Chapter 14

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Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!!!!! He just did that. He laid down and I laid on him a bit. He put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. Why is he doing this? Shit he probably is teasing me or just trying to make me feel better.

Oh who am I kidding, he loves-er-likes me back! I really think he does. I slightly look up at him to see he's asleep. He looks peaceful, unlike me. I'm stressing the hell out about Nick. Where is he? Is he okay, is he coming back home? Does he hate me? Will he be mad forever?

Clay's warm body is actually taking a bit of my anxiety away and the movie is distracting me from my thoughts. Clay is so smart if that's why he did all this. That or he's just a really caring person. Or both, ya know?

Just then I hear the door open. I jump up and look over the back of the couch. It's obviously Nick. I'm careful not to wake Clay as I get off the couch.

I walk over to Nick, hopefully he won't hate me... Actually, as I get closer I see he's crying. Wait he's crying? He never cries....

I would hug him or say something, but I'm not sure if he wants me too. I get my answer when he comes over to me and hugs me.

I hug back, it isn't the same as Clay's hugs but it's still nice and comforting.

He's crying really hard, worse than I was earlier. "I-I'm s-sorry..." He sobs out. "I know..." I say softly.

George calls me in the night, saying his roommate abused him basically. I bring his ass here, to Texas to live with me.

Clay calls me, saying he wants to come and surprise George. I pick him up and when we get to my place George is in a pile of his own bl**d.

It all goes downhill from there. His cat was stole by his old roommate but luckily, lovely dreamy-boo/Clay got her back. George tells me he has feelings for Clay and I tell him I have feelings for Karl.

He tells me later that he told Karl and I can't control the anger that takes over my body. I scream and yell, not caring what I do or say until I make a move.

I get out of my chair and George flinches so hard. Ow. That broke my heart. Holy shit his roommate hit him before! He thought I was gonna hit him...

I had to get out of there and I noticed Clay. I knew he'd make sure George was okay and that's all I cared about so I yelled, I think, something about his problems not mine. Then I ran out of the house.

I didn't know where to go. I had a few friends but this late in the night they'd all be sleeping. I left my phone at home so I couldn't call anyone.

Luckily I remembered my keys and wallet were in my car. Yeah yeah, it's stupid of me to leave my shit in the car. Who fucking cares.

I had a lot of gas, almost full, so I decided to just drive around. I didn't know what else to do and I wasn't tired so I didn't sleep in my car. I thought of a place I could go... Not a good one though.

I went to the bar. I had to drink. No one knew this but I always drunk my problems away. I'm only nineteen but it's what my parents did so I picked up on it.

I got shitface drunk before I decided I overreacted. I know George's reasoning, I couldn't even blame him. I just got angry because I trusted him and he broke that trust. But he really didn't.

He loves Clay, it's been eating him up for a while. I know he couldn't tell Clay, so I don't blame the fact that he told Karl. He was just trying to help and I see that now.

I feel horrible, I know I really hurt his feelings. With all the shit his roommate did he probably thinks I'd have hurt him. I fucked up!

I open the door, surprised it's unlocked. The alcohol didn't work very well because I felt normal besides sadness and nauseous.

George gets up from the couch and comes to stand in front of me. He hasn't been crying, at least for a bit, thanks Clay. George just stands there, scared to move.

I reach in for a hug and he instantly goes in for it. "I'm sorry..." I whisper. "I know..." He sighs out.

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