Bad days and play dates

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Peko (caregiver) x Ibuki (little) x Fuyuhiko (little)
Art work isnt mine
Non-despair au but still on the island.
They/them Ibuki rights, she/they Peko rights, and they/she chiaki rights
Content warning- mikan

Ibuki Mioda, Ultimate Light Musician, was playing with their toy car that was gifted by a Mechanic. They were distracting themselves because a little someone decided to be a "Mr.Grumpy pants'' as Ibuki described it. Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Ultimate Yakuza, was not having it that day. He was too stressed out about the island, his sister, and the Kuzuryu Clan. The Yakuza was also having trouble getting into little space. But both the Musician and Yakuza's caregiver was trying her hardest to take care of both of her littles. Peko Pekoyama, Ultimate Swordswoman, was the caregiver of Ibuki and Fuyuhiko . "Mommy, Mommy! Can i have some milkie please?", Mioda asked their mommy. Ibuki loved having milk when they were in headspace. They also loved it when they had it with Kuzuryu. "Ah, yes dear. I'll be getting that for you.", the Sordswomen replied as she went to go make the bottle of milk. The caregiver was concerned for her little boy. Fuyuhiko, who was on the table thinking about his sister and the Kuzuryu Clan, and on what to do to escape this island. "Hey, hey. Fuyu, Fuyu!", the toddler exclaimed, trying to catch the man's attention.

"What Ibuki?", he replied back in a mean tone. Though Ibuki was a loud person, they didn't like it when other people were loud, especially to them. "I-i just wanted to ask, if you would play with me?", tears threatening to spill from Mioda's eyes. "Ugh, no Ibuki! I don't want to play! Or do anything! Jus' go 'way al'eady!", Fuyuhiko was slipping into littlespace. He yelled at Ibuki, which was one of the things that triggered them. "I'm sorry! I just wan's to play 'ars with you! Please no more yelling!" They screamed with tears pouring out. Being yelled at was scary for Ibuki. Especially if it's by someone you love. Peko could hear the two yelling. 'What could be going on now?' she thought it herself. When she walked out of the kitchen she saw Fuyuhiko, who was in headspace, pulling on Ibuki's horns. Ibuki, of course, crying because not only did she get yelled at, but is not getting her hair pulled. "Hey! No hitting each other!", Pekoyama yelled out, catching their attention. Fuyuhiko let go of Ibuki's hair and moved away from them. Ibuki, crying, collapsed on the floor. They were scared and confused. "Mommy? I sorry. I so sorry!", the musician said through sobs. "Hey angel it's okay.", Peko told the 4 year old. They took a moment to think. "Hey want to go to Auntie Miki's cabin for a bit and hang out there?" She asked. Mioda's eyes lit up when they heard the question. "Alrighty rockstar. Go get your Monster High bag and pack your little stuff, okay.", Peko smiled to see her little happy after what happened.

"Alright mister, why did you pull your siblings hair?" The silvered hair women asked the 3 year old blonde. "I no wan' to play car with 'hem. And and they bot'er me.", the blonde spoke out. "Yeah, but buddy you know it's not right to yell and hurt them. They get triggered with yelling and hitting. You know better than this Fuyu." "Yeah but, it so hard." Fuyuhiko told his caregiver. "What is buddy?" Peko wanted to know what was bothering their little. "With the islan' an' if me will see my sissy." Fuyuhiko started to tear up. He really missed his life back at home. He was so stressed about everything it was hard to get into littlespace. He used age regression as a way to cope with the stress and with him not having a normal childhood. "I know bubbas that you miss home. We all do, but we just have to live with it for now, okay?" Peko looked into the 3 year old's eyes as he nodded. "Mommy, I finish'd!", Ibuki exclaimed as they showed their little bag to their mommy. "Alright little one I'll look through it okay.", Peko smiled at their 4 year old little who gave the backpack to her. She looked in the backpack to see Ibuki's Nintendo switch, hello kitty stuffie, binkie, headphones, and Monopad. The Swordswoman didn't seem to have a problem with the contents in the back so she put in the Musician's blue and pink sippy cup in the bag.

"Alright rockstar, lets go to Auntie Miki's cabin so you can have a playdate with Chiaki.", Peko picked up Fuyuhiko and placed him on the bed as he was in his pajamas ready for a nap. "Bye bye Fuyu. Have a 'ice nap", the 4 year old waved goodbye to the sleepy 3 year old. They walked to Mikan and Chaiki's cabin holding hands, because the multicolored hair enby has the tendency to run off. *DING DONG* Peko rings the doorbell to see Mikan with a smile on her face. "Oh, hey Peko. Hi Ibuki, you can come in. Chiaki is playing Animal Crossing." The Ultimate Nurse told the Musician. As Mikan said that Ibuki went into the cabin and was greeted by Chiaki who was on the floor playing Animal Crossing with their Bonnie stuffie. (I headcanon that tsumugi, chiaki, Souda, gundham, and ibuki all had a fnaf phase) "Hey hey, Ibuki. Wan' to play Mario Karts?" The pink haired girl asked as they got up from the ground. Mioda nodded their head, putting their backpack on the ground and getting out their switch. The littles played some Mario Kart as their mommies were talking. "Hey Mikan, I'm sorry that I had to bring Ibuki here. It's just Fuyu, he's been stressed out lately and the both of them had a fight. So, I thought it would be best for Ibuki to come here, and Fuyu to stay at home and chill out." Pekoyama explained as Tsumiki nodded her head in response. She didn't mind that the 4 year old little would stay for a while, she was glad that Ibuki came over. "It's alright Peko. I'll take care of them. Now go to Fuyuhiko." The Nurse said with a smile as the Swordswoman was relieved to see that Mikan was okay with Ibuki staying. "Alright Ibuki. I'm gonna go back to the cabin. You be good okay." Peko said as she kissed Ibuki's cheek. "Bye bye mama."

Ibuki and Chaiki were having so much fun with each other . They played Mario Kart, stuffies, and played with Chaiki's action figures of video game characters. "Alright little ones. You guys must be hungry, what do you guys want for lunch?" Chaikis mommy asked as she was in the kitchen looking for something that the kids can eat. "Mac n' cheesie please mommy." Nanami said as she looked up to her mommy. "Alrighty baby I'll make Mac n' cheese for you. Ibuki, honey, what do you want for lunch?" The little 4 year old was too busy thinking about when they will go back to their mommy and Fuyuhiko. Ibuki was holding their Hello Kitty stuffie and pulling thier hair. "Hey 'buki. Mommy asks 'hat you wans for lunch?" the Gamer asked, trying to get the Musician's head out of the clouds. "Oh? Sorry. I wan' ummm...", the multicolored haired little paused not knowing what to eat. They had trouble eating, and liked eating when their caregiver would feed them. "I would 'ike wha'ever Chi is 'avin'." Ibuki replied as they looked at the ground. Mikan could clearly see that something was nothing the little. "Hey baby, go play you game and let me talk to Ibuki okay?", Mikan asked as Chiaki nodded her head. "Hey hun, are you okay? You've been staring off into space lately. Is something going on?", the Nurse asked the Musician who didn't look well. "Oh i jus'. When is mommy gonna com' and picks me up?" Ibuki sounded like they were gonna cry. They really did miss their mommy, it's been awhile since Peko dropped them off at Mikan's cabin. "Hey hey, look it's gonna be okay. I'll give her a call and see if she will pick you up okay love?" Tsumiki told the pink eyed child.

"I'll be on my way soon." Peko put down her phone and picked up Fuyuhiko. He was on the floor waiting for his mommy to hang up on the call. "Alright little man, lets get your shoes on. We gotta go pick up Ibuki." The red eyed woman said to the yellow eyed boy. Once they got him all dressed up, just putting on a coat and shoes, and left the cabin to make their way to the purple eyed girl's cabin. Once they got their Ibuki was having trouble putting on their shoes. The pink hair little saw on how they were having trouble, so she helped tie Ibuki's shoes. After Chaiki was finished tying their friends shoes, they got up and smiled. "Ibuki, honey, you're mommy is here to pick you up.", Mikan exclaimed as Ibuki got up to hug Chiaki goodbye. "Bye bye auntie Miki. Bye bye Chiaki." Mioda waved goodbye with a smile on their face as they went to their mommy and Fuyuhiko. Chiaki waved goodbye and went inside the cabin as their mommy walked behind them.

Ibuki was happy to be with Peko and Fuyuhiko. Yes the day wasn't good for the three of them, but they were all happy in the end. Peko told the littles,"Ibuki, Fuyu. It's time to go to sleep okay." Fuyuhiko nodded with tired eyes as he got his bottle, full of warm milk, from his mommy. Ibuki grabbed their multicolored puppy stuffie named Roxie. Peko gifted the stuffie to them on their birthday. The musician got their pack and placed it in their mouth. As their eyes got all heavy, they shortly went to sleep with their mommy placing a kiss on their forehead. "Sweet dreams little one."

A/N- this took forever to make and I've been writing this like on and off bc of my lack of motivation and bc of my mental health but i hope you guys enjoy it :)))

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