Being Pagan, my journey so far

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  I dont see any posts on this site about any beliefs like mine. I am pagan, which is the back story to Christainity, not that I think you shouldnt celebrate Christainity, but I feel you should realize where your religion comes from without thinking the Pagan people are devil worshippers.

  I believe everyone is free to their own beliefs, and so I will not diss on your beliefs so I am asking that you dont diss on mine. I am writting this to inform people and also to help me gain knowledge. I am going to be doing alot of research for this and hoping giving people ideas of what they can do with their alters and celebrations you can do.

Pagan religion is based off of Nature. Its completely about taking care of the Earth. The main rule of paganism is the pagan Rede "if it harms none, do as you will". I believe in the rule of three but not all Pagans do. The rule of three is whatever energy you put out into the world, be it good or bad, itll come back to you times three. Karma is the simple way to explain it. Pagan people mainly get to live by their own rules, their are some books that have guide lines but for the most part its a person's choice how they want to live their life as long as they arent being harmful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2013 ⏰

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