Chapter 2: Guess Who's Back?

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"W-What?" Thomas asks. I Glare At Him. Is It a Yes or a No? "Tell Me, Please." I Say To Him, Gripping My Bedside Table To Keep Me From Collapsing.  "Thomas! Tell Virgil, NOW!" Roman Shouts Angrily, Yanking On Thomas' Hair. He Yelps From Pain. "OK! Yes, Yes I Did!" Thomas Looks Down At The Floor. I Am Kind Of Shocked, But Also Wondering, Why? Why Did He Do This?

"Why?" I ask Him, Wanting Answers.  He Sighs. "An Orange Side Told Me They Were Fine! And I Have Been Overthinking Things And Stressing More than Usual!"

Roman Looks Confused, While I am Horrified. He's Back, I Think To Myself. He's gonna hurt me again. 

"Roman, Get Thomas And The Other Lights Out of Here, NOW!" I Say, Or, Shout, Really.  "Call Rem and Jan, Please!" Ro Looks Confused, But Nods. He Grabs Thomas By The Arm And They Both Sink Out. 

Remus and Janus Teleport To My Room Seconds later, Both Running To Me and Asking If I'm Ok. I say I'm Fine And Push Them off a Little.  "Guys, We...Have A Problem." I Say, Trying To Keep A Straight Face.  Janus' Eyes Open Wide In Fear. "That Tone Only Means One Thing.." He Says, And Starts Shaking.

"Yes," I Say Firmly. "Orange Is Back."

*I'm Sorry Its So Short Guys, I'm Getting Busy And Todays Xmas Eve So-*

(Orange Do Be Sus Tho-)

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